Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School & Ten Months Old

My girls started school this week. M will be in 2nd grade this year and A will be in Kindergarten. It will be an adjustment having them both gone. I will sure miss them. The younger two won't know what to do with themselves since their big sisters won't be there to boss them around.

A is so excited for Kindergarten. I think she is just getting bored at home. I think she just NEEDS something else, and something just for her. She has watched her older sister go to school for 2 years and bring home fun stuff and I think A has always been a little jealous. Now she gets to go do all of those fun things too. She just had testing this week and will actually start next week.
I am not sure if M was excited to go to school or not. This is her third school in three years and I think it has been a little hard for her. She has one little girl in her class she knows from church. I am glad that she has a friend to play with at recess. The funny thing is that she has a boy in her class that was in her Kindergarten class. We have moved twice since she was in Kindergarten and this boy moved too. It is funny that they ended up in the same class again.
Little H turned 10 months old on the first day of school. (What a big day for everyone!) She is sick this week and a little cranky, but still has the cutest smile. She has been doing better lately at sleeping in her own bed.....and that makes Mom and Dad very happy. I think she was just hungry. Now I give her a snack before bedtime and she sleeps much better. She is still infatuated with our stairs. She even says, "up" when she starts up them. She is learning how to climb down now too, but is still not too stable at it. Her favorite thing to do lately is get in cupboards. She is super determined too, so if you take her away from one, she goes RIGHT back.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Last Week of Summer....

I guess I need to chase those chirping crickets out of my blog and do a post. Summer is just busy and has been slipping by too quickly. This will be our last week of summer break before school starts....I can't believe it is almost that time of year again. I thought I would catch you all up on what we have been doing at the itybty house.

Sheesh, I guess I have to back all the way up to the end of July! We had a fun 24th of July. The week before we did some fun city activities. We went to a parade, visited the carnival (and I just have to tell you that I am terrified of Ferris Wheels....yes, I am a big scaredy cat!) We live close to the city park, so we had front row seats for all the fun fireworks.
Over the weekend after the 24th we met up with some good friends for a weekend of fun.
We had a fabulous time with them. It was so great to get to see them and their family.

They have 4 little girls just like we do. The girls had so much fun running and playing together. We made quite a stir wherever we went with so many girls....especially when we added in my niece....add that all up to be 9 girls 11 and under.

We had fun going site-seeing with them.

And going to a parade.
And going for a spin on the paddle boat.
And going to a tractor pull...who wouldn't have fun with that?!?

M and I spent lots of time chit chatting and catching up. Can I just tell you that I love her...she is the most remarkable person and a superb friend. I wish I could see her everyday.

We have also been doing swimming lessons.

My sister also came into town, so we got to have some fun with their family. We sure miss them!

I got to meet some of my MOFs. We've played in the pool with the cousins.

We have been feeding the ducks.

We have also been doing a lot of things around our house and yard, but I will post some pictures of those things another day....maybe after school starts, afterall, summer is almost over and here I sit wasting away the last week of it on my computer. So see you next week after the kiddy-boos head back to school. I am off to have a little more summer fun.