Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things are piling up around here...

Things are piling up around here! My goodness, life has gotten a little crazy. We are moving in 18 days, and we have hardly started packing. The diapers are overflowing....
the laundry needs folding.....
the ironing is not getting done....
the dishes are mounding.....
the boxes are sitting waiting to be packed.... (And as you can tell, the kids aren't much help!)

Add to that 23 orders for vinyl lettering, a quarterly primary activity that I am in charge of, babysitting my niece, and taking care of my 4 little girls. Can you see my head spinning? I feel like I am going a little insane. So I am going to take a little leave of absence from my blog for awhile. The next few weeks will be busy!!! Stay tuned for pics of our new house when we get all settled.


  1. Good luck! I wish I could come over and help you.

  2. My house looks like that sans the boxes and I am not moving. I have no excuse.

    I can't wait to see you! Please let us know what we can do to help you. DH will move anything but a piano...and he is uber perfectionistic about stuff.

    I will miss you...but I will see you soon! On Sunday we drove around and found your house, but it was all locked up. I have a story to tell you about your garage...I will IM you in the morning.

  3. Good luck!!! I hate feeling like that. you can do it!

  4. I wish I was there to help! Your coming over to help when we moved last time was such a blessing. I owe you!

  5. Looks like you've got a lot going on. Good luck with the move, the laundry, dishes, the packing, the diaper emptying, and all else you have on your plate.

  6. Hey! I hear you are moving up this way. Let me know if you need help. I can send DH over to help with the heavy stuff, and I can clean with the best of them if you need help! Let me know! I would be more than happy to help you! :)
    Good luck with the packing. ICK!

  7. I wish that I lived closer so I could come and help you. Good luck getting everything done in time. I'm so excited that we will be close enough to each other to hang out again! :)

  8. GOOD LUCK!!! Can't wait to see the new house--
