Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Playing catch up: Rollerskating...

The girls elementary school had a roller skating night. We had such a great time. I broke out my old rollerblades that I haven't worn for 12 years. I forgot how much fun it was to roller blade. I can still go backwards, but my jumping skills need much improvement.

This was the girls first time roller skating. They all did really well. I didn't know they had rollerskates K's size so we just took a scooter for her to ride around. She was totally sad because she wanted the skates like her bigger sisters. A friend of ours told us about the little skates and we picked a pair up for her. She had so much fun! ALL of the girls keep begging us to go back.


  1. What fun time! I need to try skating with Liam again. He didn't do so great the last time. Glad all your girls had a good experience.

  2. We used to go to those school skate nights. They were so much fun! Glad you had a great time!
