When we visit St. George, we have a favorite little hike we like to go on. When you reach the top you can see over the city and see the temple. The girls get a little scared being up so high, but they like to see the view as well.
The girls love to play around and climb on all the rocks. They think they are mountain goats.
We love going on little hikes as a family. Everyone seems to get along so much better when they are outdoors.
Time for a road trip! Little Miss M took this picture out of the car window along the way.
Little Miss A.
Little Miss K.
And Little Miss H with food on her face.
And Little Miss H doing what she does best...sucking on her thumb.
We had way to much snow up at our house. D had a work conference in Southern Utah. It was a great opportunity to get out of the snow for awhile and enjoy the sunshine.
We had a great time going shopping, playing in the pool, eating out, and going hiking. It was fun to just get away as a family for awhile.
Our Little Miss K turned 5 way back in April (yes, I do know I am VERY far behind on my blog!). We had a pinkalicious party for her based off of the Pinkalicious book.
She has such a fun personality. I just laughed as I looked at all of the pictures from her birthday. She is making a different face in every one.
Her big sisters got some horse trailors a few years ago for Christmas. K has wanted one ever since. We found this cute little one for her. Now she can play horses with her sisters.
She has gotten so big. She is fun to have at our house. She is always saying something to make us laugh....or completely catch us off guard.
We had pink cupcakes (if you have read the book you will know why), but luckily no one turned pink the next day!
She wanted to have "alien dogs" (hot dogs with spaghetti through them) for dinner. We also had cherries and pink punch.
Happy Birthday little K....this is going to be a big year for you. Mom will miss you while you are at kindergarten.