Friday, March 31, 2006

What's A Blog?

I just discovered the world of Blogs last week. My friend sent me a few blogs to view, and I also heard that my sister liked to go "blogging", so I thought I would check it out. I was impressed. What a fun way to learn new things. I thought this would be a fun way to stay connected with my friends and my sister (since we are seperated by 5 states). So here's to my first post! Stay tuned for upcoming soon as I figure out what I am doing!


  1. Yippee Mindy!!!! Here we go!

  2. YEAH - love new bloggers! Can't wait to read more! (Steph is my friend!)

  3. I just barely started blogging too! so far it is pretty fun, even though i dont have many visits or comments. :(
