Our ward had a fun talent show for an activity. You could either perform or bring items for display. I (of course!) took some items to display. I took my quiet books, my tooth fairy pillow, some wood crafts, and M's baptism dress. The hubby got lucky ;) and had to perform in a skit with the bishopric. They did a cute synchronized swimming routine. We got it on our regular video camera, but not digital, so you don't get to see it.....I know you are soooo sad! It was pretty funny though and the audience loved it. Especially when the shark came and wiped out all the bishopric! M also got to perform a musical number. This was the first time she played the piano in front of anyone. I think she did really well. She is doing so great with piano lessons, and loves learning new songs every week. She must especially love Turkey in the Straw, because we hear that one A LOT! A has also started piano lessons and loves it. I am excited to have all the music in our home.
Great job, M!!! (And yes, I wish I could have seen the bishopric's little number!)