Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Father's Day...

We had fun celebrating Father's Day this year. We planned some fun surprises for my hubby. I took these pictures of the girls and put them in a picture frame for D to take to work with him. We thought it would liven up his cubicle.
Sunday morning I snuck his Sunday shoes out of the closet and polished them while he was shaving. I tucked one present in each shoe....a new tie, and new Sunday socks. He looked so handsome at church.
After church D got to take a nap while I slaved away in the kitchen making his favorite dinner (a way to a man's heart is through his stomach right!?!). We had homemade lasagna, homemade french bread, and I made a banana cream pie for dessert. It was worth the time I spent because it sure was yummy!
Since D was the king for the day....he he he!
We had fun shopping for some presents for him. We got him some new shirts and some fun stuff you put in a campfire to change the color of the flames. His big present was a 12 gauge shot gun. It was quite the experience buying my first gun. They told me I couldn't because my address was wrong on my driver's license. So I had to go back again....with all four kids both times. It was a total pain. Finally I got through the background check and got to purchase it. They had to escort me out of the store with it. It was kind of fun.
I think he is happy with his new toy. He is excited to try it out. Happy Father's Day sweetie. We love you.

1 comment:

  1. LOL at the toilet plunger!!!

    The picture is darling.

    I'm sure your lasagna was great!

    That makes me happy that there are so many rules with guns. I guess you never know who is going to buy one. and 4 girls probably didn't seem like TOO much of a threat! ;)

    It looks like it was a great day! :)
