Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Bloggy Thoughts...

Something hates me!!! I don't know if it is my turtle speed computer, my dial-up connection, blogger, or picasa. I have been trying to post all day, but it hasn't been working, so here is the picture-less version of what I really wanted to post.

Since I started blogging my way of thinking has changed. I now see everything as a blog to be posted. I often think things like..."This would make a great post!"..."That recipe would be good to blog about."..."I wonder if I should post that question and see what everyone else thinks." I will also take lots of pictures of weird things that I think would be good to put on my blog (I was going to post a few of those pictures here, but alas, something hates me). I seem to always have this blogalog (kind of like dialog for the blogger) going through my head. I have even had weird dreams about blogging. Do you experience this too?


  1. Yes!!!!

    I feel like I now have a river of blogging running through my brain. I find my self thinking "Is this blog-worthy" all of the time!

    Then there is the bloggy guilt. If I haven't posted in two days, I feel like a failure of a blogger.

    Weird. My life before blogging was quite normal.

  2. Yes... I always think of pictures or topics... My hubby is gone for 3 weeks and so I have a list of blog topics that I have thought of posted on my fridge... I'd never do this if he was around....

  3. Oh, totally. My whole perspective has changed. Where things used to seem like a pain in the butt or completely hopeless or totally frustrating, now I think, "this'll make a good post" and I have a whole world-ful of sympathy or people ready to laugh at my misfortunes. It's so great. I think I look at life in a much better way now that I can share it with y'all.

  4. Ditto. It's all about the blog.

  5. Me too! I chalk it up to being a blogaholic! I'm so pathetic sometimes!

  6. I agree. I'm always trying to think of clever things to blog, or what my next blog will be.

    By the way, you told me you froze your banana squash. Did you have to do anything to it first?

  7. Yes! I also take pictures of things that I could use in a blog post!

  8. bwahahahaha! we've SUCKED you in!


  9. No, I don't get this way. I guess it is because of how my DH feels about blogs. Maybe someday it will happen but I am not expecting it anytime soon.

  10. Definitely! I've taken pictures of the oddest things. And part of the fun of fun experiences is thinking about how fun it will be to blog about them. And I'm always trying to mention things my online friends have done or said to real life people in a way that doesn't sound like I'm a total nerd.
