Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Rippin' Fun...

It has always surprised me when my kids pick up a new phrase because they always pick it up so quickly. It surprises me even more when they come up with a phrase that neither myself nor my husband have ever said. Today I was in for a bit of a shocker when my 5 year old and my 3 year old were playing. They had lined up all the dining room chairs (because I was mopping the floor) along the side of the couch and were jumping from the chairs to the couch. As they jumped, they kept exclaiming, "That's rippin' fun!" Now where they got this I have no idea. It sounds pretty funny coming from a 3 year old flying through the air though.


  1. Kids come up with the cutest things to say. I love it!

    I'll have to try your idea for the squash, sounds yummy!

  2. It does sound like rippin' fun! I might rip my pants if I tried it, or a tendon for that matter.

    Kids are really fun to listen to. Sometimes I'll hear a phrase my kids have been saying for a while in a movie they frequently watch... and then I just say, "OH! That's where they got it from!"

  3. School...I always hear new phrases from school. If that's the extent of it though, I wouldn't worry! :)
    Sounds like a fun time jumping on chairs too! :D

  4. I think that would be "rippin' fun" too! Your girls are seriously darling!

    I read utmommy's comment on the squash. I had to read it. You always have the best ideas.

  5. That is such a cute little phrase! It could catch on!

  6. Kids say the darndest things! The problem with sharing this kind of thing is it is contagious. ;)

  7. thats one we'll have to add to the collection- whenever smart son does something well he says -i'm really rocking the house!

  8. That is so cute! And a very fun sounding activity. Admit it, weren't you just a little bit tempted to join in the fun?
