Monday, August 27, 2007

Just like Christmas....

My hubby and my oldest daughter got to come home this weekend. It had been 3 weeks since we saw them.

"You can imagine the scene that followed, the loving looks, the warm embraces, the fond exclamations." (Fanny's Dream)

It was just like Christmas to have them back again. I wanted to cry the entire time they were here. My oldest daughter woke up the next morning and looked across the room at her younger sister and jumped out of bed "Hi A!!! I missed you!" Hugging and kissing ensued. Then all the girls went to find Dad who was feverishly trying to get all the outside work done. There was laughing and crying. It was so sweet. My family was back together again. It was like heaven on earth. We had a great weekend and managed to get everything done that we needed to and got to spend some fun time together as a family. It broke my heart to see them leave again. This week is looking very glum after such a great weekend.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

My first....

Well yesterday I met my first bloggers in real life (besides those of you I already know that is). I got to have lunch with Suzanne, Millie and Tori. It was fun to get to meet them in real life and visit for awhile. They were super fun and I had a great time getting to know them in real life instead of just on the computer. Thanks for a great lunch ladies.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A Sad Day...

Today is a sad day. My oldest daughter starts 1st grade today. I am not sad because she is going back to school or that she is old enough to be in first grade (well, okay, maybe a little sad about that), but what I am the saddest about is that I can't be with her today. It breaks my heart that I won't be able to be the one that fixes her her "Back to School" breakfast, or helps her make her very first school lunch. I won't be there to help her pick out her school clothes and make sure they match. I won't be there to do her hair up all cute (I am just praying that DH can make it look okay) and take pictures of her with her little back pack on. I won't be there to walk her to school and give her a hug and a kiss before she disappears into the school. I won't be there to pick her up after school and be the first one to hear all about her school day and her new teacher. I won't be there to sort through the million papers in her backpack or help her with her homework. I am terribly sad. This is the first big thing in her life that I won't be there for.

Have a good day at school M. I love you!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

5 things meme...

Stephanie tagged me for a 5 things meme, so here goes:

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

1. Going to summer semester of college and trying to finish up my last 2 classes I needed for my Associates degree. I ended up failing one and had to take it over...planning a wedding and going to summer school are not advisable.
2. Planning my wedding on August 19th.
3. Standing on a table on our deck wearing my sunglasses while my mom hemmed my wedding dress.
4. Making a million mini poppy seed muffins for my reception, and making our wedding pies (we had pie instead of cake).
5. Packing all of my things so that I could move to small town Utah with my hubby on our wedding day so he could start his new job the next day (some honeymoon hun!?!)

5 things on my to-do list today:

1. Go see some Parade of Homes houses with my good friend M.
2. Doctor's appointment. I have to take the horrible glucose test today (BLECH!!) and request my medical records.
3. Pray someone calls to make us an offer on our house today.
4. Go to the grocery store for bread, fruit, and milk and anything else that looks tasty.
5. Sand the holes in the walls that I puttied up yesterday so I can paint them tomorrow.

5 snacks I enjoy:

1. Pretzels
2. Cinnamon Bears
3. Hot Chocolate
4. Popcorn
5. Ice Cream

5 songs I know the lyrics to:

1. I am a child of God-all the verses.
2. Almost all of John Michael Montgomery's songs (I use to stay up singing his songs and bouncing my colicky baby).
3. Doug Walker's song about a girl in a little white dress. I don't know the exact title.
4. Families can be together forever. Mine is not right now, so this gives me hope.
5. Forever Young by ??? This is a classic graduation song and one of my all time favorites.

5 things I would do if I were a Millionaire:

1. Build, furnish, and decorate my dream mortgage HURRAY!
2. Put away money for my girls educations and their weddings.
3. Do some fun travelling....Prince Edward Island, Hawaii, a Caribbean Cruise.
4. Buy a new SUV and off-load our van that we hate.
5. Mail annonymous $100 checks to people.

5 Bad habits

1. I get upset and yell too quickly...sorry kids!
2. I love dreaming up a project, buying the stuff for it, but often don't ever complete it.
3. Not cleaning up after myself better...I am a procrastinator.
4. Piling up stuff. My craft desk is always so cluttered with stuff that I can never actually sit there and do something.
5. Eating too many the other day I ate a piece of cake, a creamy, a pudding cup, and 5 oreo cookies....I never thought I was an emotional eater, but I guess so.

5 things I'd never wear again

1. skinny jeans....I don't have the body for those anymore.
2. Turtle necks. They suffocate me.
3. A 2 piece swim suit...that belly's not going anywhere.
4. My maternity clothes. YIPEE!!!!
5. Anything fluorescent pink.

5 favorite toys

1. My Barbies and Barbie house that my dad made for my older sisters and they remodeled it for me.
2. Ella, my Cabbage Patch Doll
3. My Little Pony unicorn
4. I had a little house that was for a baby doll that had little rooms in it and a pink skirt thing that went over the top of it.
5. Strawberry Shortcake doll...I think I gave the doll away, but I still have Custard.

I have been so absent from blogging lately that I don't know who to tag for this meme, so if you read this and would like to do it, then feel free. Leave a message in my comments if you do and I will come read yours.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Onion Nuts for Breakfast?

Last fall we made a BIG mistake. My hubby chopped up 4 quarts of onions and put them in bags in the freezer. About a week later our freezer completely stunk! Everything that was in it that wasn't in a plastic container smelled and tasted like onions. Onion pies anyone? I had a bag of walnuts from my Grandpa's tree in the freezer at the time. I make some yummy chicken enchiladas that have pecans in the recipe. I thought I could easily swap out the pecans for the onion walnuts and they would be just fine. I moved them to my upstairs freezer for the next time I made enchiladas. I must have pregnancy memory or something because the other day I was making coffee cake (which we call breakfast cake around here since we don't drink coffee). It called for a streusel topping with nuts in it. I opened the freezer to pull out my pecans and saw the walnuts sitting there. Since we are moving I have been trying to clear as much as possible out of our freezer. I thought I would just use up the walnuts instead of using the pecans because we didn't have that many. So I used them in my breakfast cake topping. It came out beautifully and (surprisingly) smelled delicious. My first bite was yummy, but my second one had a nut in it. I almost puked. No one was expecting onion nuts for breakfast. We spent twice as long eating breakfast as we normally do because we were trying to get all the nuts off the top. Disgusting. So here is my advice....NEVER, EVER put onions in a bag in your freezer, unless of course, you like onion ice cream!