Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

Go ahead. Take a guess. I will tell you the answer tomorrow.


  1. Is that a cat or a fox or a dog in there with the chickens? I can't tell, but it is a fuzzy creature not of the winged variety.

  2. Hmm...

    I see the dark tail of something in the chicken pen. Is it a cat?

    Is it because there is only one brown chicken? At least only one that I can see...

    I see snow in the corner. Is it because you hate having snow?

    Don't keep us waiting for too long! :)

  3. I can see a brown tail that does not look like a part of a chicken. The only other thing that look stange to me (since I have never seen a chicken coop up close) is the fact that there are egg shells.
