Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Birthday baby girl....

My baby turned one yesterday (WAAAHHHHH!!!). I am happy and sad all at the same time. She is such a fun baby. I just don't want her to grow up. The other day I was sorting through her clothing and pulling out the things that were too small. It made me so sad. She is at such an adorable stage right now. I would just like to freeze her here for another year or so. Here are some pictures we took in the morning (before she smeared cake through her hair!)

I must have taken 50 pictures. She was too busy inspecting the slide, the grass, the sky, the dirt, the sandbox, and anything else besides the camera. That is just how she is these days.....BUSY. She loves the cupboards. She is always in the pantry tearing things off the shelves. I made her up her own little bowl of goodies to play with in there (a spoon, canning lid, spices, egg seperator, etc.) That keeps her busy for a while, but then she is off to tear my blender and my Scentsy candle stuff out of their respective cupboards. I can't keep her out of them!

She learned how to walk the day after she turned 11 months. She is cruising all over the place these days. She is still a little tipsy, especially when she is tired. We went to a party for my grandparents yesterday and she slipped on the gym floor and crashed right on her nose. She gave herself quite the bloody nose. I took her into the bathroom to clean her up and 4 of my great aunts were in there. They gushed over how cute she was and I told them it was her birthday. They all spontaneously started singing her happy birthday right there in the bathroom. It was so sweet!

All of her busy-ness is not bad though. She has started to help she is helping dust the railing.....

with her tongue!!!! She also has started taking care of our noses. She will hold a wet wipe up to her nose and blow, and then hold it up to yours to do the same. She isn't saying much these days, but she sure will let you know when she wants or especially when she doesn't want something by squaking! I am constantly telling her sisters to leave her alone because she is squaking at them.

We had a fun teddy bear birthday for her to celebrate her 1st birthday. Here is the cake I made.

H seemed to like it. She started attacking the frosting even before we could cut her a piece.

Yum yum yum!!!
She didn't quite know what to do with the presents. She was more interested in the video camera than any of her gifts.
Luckily she has plenty of sisters that were more than willing to help her figure out her new toys. I don't think H got to play with any of her new things today.

It was a fun day. I kept looking at her today and thinking, "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR'E ONE!!!" Before I know it she will be going to school. WAAAHHHH!


  1. She is such a cutie!! We had a great time at your house last night. You have a wonderful home. Loves to all!!

  2. I was hoping to see pictures of her fuzzy hair. So Cute! Happy Birthday H! I can't believe how time flies.

  3. NO way! that went sooo fast!

  4. Time does pass quickly. Soon you will be watching her say: I CAN'T BELIEVE YOUR ONE, to her own daughter. That is the way of life, believe you me. I have seen it happen.

  5. YAY for big one-year olds. I mean, not yay. I am so sad that she is a year old! She is supposed to stay small and cuddly forever!

    Happy birthday sweetie!

  6. Happy Birthday, Cutie Pie! I love all the tidbits of info about what she is up to. It helps us far away people get to know her better!
