Tuesday, February 6, 2007

WFMW: Muffin Mixes...

I thought I would do a Works for Me Wednesday (sponsored by Shannon from Rocks in my Dryer) this week. It has been a while since I have done one. I am doing it a day early because I know I won't get around to doing it tomorrow. I was reminded of this idea this morning when my husband made muffins for breakfast. I am running low on mixes and need to make up some more. I mix up the dry ingredients for muffins and put them in a bag in the cupboard, so I can easily throw them together in the morning. I usually make about 12 of them at a time.
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I recently found "fruit morsels" at my local Kitchen Kneads. They are the things that you find in regular store bought muffin mixes that taste like blueberries, but are really some form of food coloring, corn syrup and flavoring. They come in raspberry, blueberry, cherry, strawberry, and cranberry. They are fun to throw in muffins if you don't have any real fruit.
Here is my muffin recipe. If you are interested in making your own muffin mixes just put all of the dry ingredients in a quart size ziploc bag and label the outside with what wet ingredients you need to add and what temperature to cook them at and for how long. It works for me.

1 3/4 cup flour (I often will substitute part for whole wheat flour)
1/2 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 beaten egg
3/4 cup milk
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
desired add in (dried cranberries & white chocolate chips are my hubby's favorite)

Mix all ingredients together. Pour into muffin pan lined with baking papers. Bake at 400 for 20 minutes. Makes 12 muffins.


  1. That's a really good idea! I think I will try it.

  2. YOU are the smartest person I know! I love your ideas. I am going to do this. The owner of Kitchen Kneads daughter is in my ward...I love that she will bring me stuff home from her job. Saves me a trip!

  3. I'm totally doing this!! Thanks!!

  4. Wow, what another great tip! I adore muffins, and will definately try this!

  5. Fantastic idea! I'll have to try it! I'm sure it's much cheaper this way! :)

  6. what a great idea. I wonder if it is cheaper this way then the jiffy muffin mixes that I buy? Thanks for sharing

  7. that would work for me too if I was ambitious enough... you rock! GREAT idea.

  8. I am doing it!! that is just the tid bits I am needing lately!

  9. Excellent! I am so excited about this! THANKS SO MUCH!
