Friday, March 23, 2007

A few things I should do more often...

I have taken notice of a few things that I should really do more often. I often get so caught up in the all the business of life that I miss out on a few of life's little pleasures. So here are a few things I have thought of lately:

Laying down on my bed in the middle of the day. I layed down on my bed and talked to my husband the other day while he was changing out of his work clothes. It was so nice and relaxing. I never lay down in the daytime. I should do that more often.

Scrapbook. I went to my parent's house last week and ended up scrapbooking 24 pages. I had a hard time getting going because I hadn't scrapbooked for so long. I need to keep those creative juices flowing better.

Get together with a good friend and chat. Yesterday I had lunch with Suzanne from A Rose By Any Other Name. It was so fun to just sit and talk while the kids played.

Putting lotion on my feet. I once knew someone that would wash their feet everyday before bed and put lotion on her feet. I have never been that dedicated to my poor feet. I am extremely bad at putting lotion on my feet. They always feel so soft and nice when I do, but I rarely find the time.

Petting my dog. My dog has been really sick lately. I have realized that I should spend more time loving her. It is a good stress relief to sit and stroke her soft fur.(As long as she isn't stinky!)

Sitting in the sunshine. I know this really is not something I should do because of skin cancer, but I love to sit in the sunshine.

Stop to look at the flowers. We have beautiful flowers in our yard. We already have daffodils, crocus, pask flowers, mini-iris, and pansies blooming. I often forget they are out there and never go look at them. I need to take more time to smell the flowers.

Play in the sand. Nothing makes you feel like a kid more than playing and building things in the sand. It is so fun.

What are some of the things you should do more often?


  1. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this! I need to sit with each of my kids more often and just listen.

  2. I had so much fun hanging out with you yesterday! Thanks for inviting me over!

    I'm really horrible at putting lotion on my feet too. I wish I spent more time one on one with my kids. We get plenty of "all together time," but I know my boys thrive when they get time with just Mom or Dad.

    Great post! :)

  3. There are a lot of things I should do more often. I've been trying to relax more and spend more quality time with my kids. I also need to scrapbook. I'm way behind and I really love doing it. I just need to start again.

  4. I need to scrapbook. Poor Pea will have no pages of her if I don't get busy.

    I need to read more. I don't take any time to sit down and read.

    Play with my kids. I am great at talking to them and doing projects, but on Saturday, we sat outside and drew with sidewalk chalk and played with a soccer ball. It was so fun.

    Take bubble baths. I have this ginormous bathtub and I never use it.

    Get together with friends. I can talk on the phone for hours, but to actually visit, that is something else.

    Make cookies with the kiddies. They love it and it brings us closer together.

    Go out on dates with DH. We don't get out just the two of us very often.

    Thanks for this Ity. It made me think.

  5. Great suggestions! I was just thinking the other day how it must be important to Heavenly Father for us to take the time to enjoy life and the many wonders he created in this world. I don't think he would have created them, if he really expected us to be busy "doing" every moment.
