Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Things that won't induce labor....

These are a few things that I have found that Do Not induce labor:

Eating tons of chocolate (while a lot of fun, it doesn't make you have contractions. My babies never like chocolate in their breast milk, so I am stocking up on one of my favorite treats now before I can't have it anymore.)

Jumping on the Trampoline (I thought it was worth a shot!)

Jumping Rope (I was trying to teach my 7 year old how to jump and land on one foot at a time, but it didn't do anything either)

Long rides in a bumpy truck up a bumpy mountain dirt road (The bumps weren't so bad, it was the swaying side to side that was horrible. I came home miserable with side aches, but no labor. This was the worst experiment of all...I think I will stick with the chocolate.)

I guess we will just have to keep waiting for our new little one to arrive. 40 weeks, 2 days, and still counting. :(


  1. Oh Ity...we could write a book.

    I am feeling your pain...not 40 weeks and two days of pain...but some of the pain.

    I am sorry. Maybe they will be same day babies! That would be SO much fun!!!

  2. An image of you trying to persuade that baby to come out while jumping on the trampoline has me LOL! :D

    Well at least you tried, and you can't go wrong with chocolate right?

    I've been thinking about you so much and hoping that all is well in your new place. I need to give you a call! :)

  3. Poor thing!

    I had a friend that did the trampoline thing. It didn't work for her either, but I LOVE the image of a very pregnant woman jumping on the tramp.

    She can't stay in forever!!!

    (my babies all hate chocolate in breastmilk too-can't say it always stops me though!)

  4. Very smart on the chocolate thing. I've always felt bad your babies didn't like it! It would be so much better if something like brussel sprouts set them off.

    Maybe if I give you a big enough hug she'd feel claustrophobic and decide to come out?
