Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Going upstairs....

Okay I am finally getting around to taking you upstairs. I promise this will be the last day of my extensive, drawn-out, long house tour! First stop is my bedroom....
My bedroom is rather feminine, but my hubby doesn't mind all the pink in there. A girl has to have a little pink right!?! So let's take a walk around my room. See the rocking chair/glider in the corner? My husband gave me that before our 2nd daughter was born. The chest at the end of my bed was made by my sweet sweet grandpa. I wood burned ivy along the bottom of it, but you can't see that in this picture. See the fabulous dresser in the corner with the mirror on it? It was given to my brother-in-law. It really isn't there style (they are more southwestern) so they gave it to us. We refinished it. I LOVE IT!!! It is another of my favorite pieces of furniture.
Here is our bed. My hubby's uncle made the bed for us as a wedding gift. My hubby actually went out to Arkansas to help him finish it. Don't you just love this cute spread? I am addicted to quilts. I HAD to buy this one for our new house. It was only $40 so why not? I am very particular about my bed. I love to have it all pretty...pillows fluffed and looking inviting. On almost any given day, if you come to my house, my bed will be made. (Of course, as I say that it isn't today....but hey I am busy making grape juice and painting, so today doesn't count.)

This is a table that my hubby's uncle made as well. The lace doily thingy was my hubby's grandma's. See the pictures of my adorable little girls when they were babies? I need to add another one of baby H, but I haven't found a frame that matches yet. There is also a wedding picture of us. The wash basin was my grandma's. When I was little my aunt made a wash basin for each of my sisters. I loved them, but I of course, was too little to have one, so I was excited to get this one years later.

I have tried many different things out in the bottom of it, but I love these sea shells in it the best. I love sea shells. I don't know why because I have never really spent that much time at the beach.

Come on in to my bathroom and I will show you some more sea shells.

I have a few of them in here. I actually started collecting sea shells for my bathroom before we even had a master bathroom. I kept them until we finally had a bathroom of our own. I had tons of them out in our last bathroom. I have actually tried to tone it down a bit because sea shells are a pain to dust. Especially this little wreath, but I love it anyway.

I made it one night when I couldn't sleep. I should not sleep more often!

I use to be a hard core, no products on the counter type of person, but I finally gave up to convenience. Here is my attempt at making something functional and cute....baskets....what a wonderful thing!

The rest of my stuff hides in this drawer though.

Oh, and there are some things in this cabinet. We bought this cabinet at Lowe's. It was just their cheapest bathroom cabinet. Then I attacked it with our Dremel. It has a plastic finish, so believe me it wasn't easy, but I think I succeeded in giving it a little character. Sorry, I should have taken a little closer picture of it.

Well I guess that is all for the Master Suite. Oh wait, I forgot the closet.

Well that is all for my home tour. What is that you say? I forgot the girl's rooms? Well, yes I did. I haven't decorated them yet. They are not even on my radar at the moment. They are a mess!! One of these days I will get around to making them cute and then I will post some pictures of them.

Thanks for stopping by!!!


  1. "I wood burned ivy along the bottom of it." And that, my dear sweet cousin, is why you get put in charge of 15 projects for Super Saturday! ;)

    I seriously have closet envy! I love how you've mixed old and new things together. It all looks beautiful!

    Hey, I still want to see your backyard on the tour. It rocks!

    Good luck with the rest of your canning. I'm going to do my "canning" today at the Macey's caselot sale. :) No seriously, Dustin and I canned salsa last week and it was fun!

  2. I love your house, it is absolutely beautiful. You have done a great job of decorating.
