Tuesday, January 16, 2007


After my last post I had several requests for the stories behind the lessons I had learned....so here they are.

1. Things in your mirror are ACTUALLY closer than they appear.

If you missed my previous post this was because I hit my garage with my side mirror on my car.

2. The makers of appliances never EVER cleaned them....or why would they have put vents and dents and grooves in all the wrong places.

I spent about 2 hours cleaning my kitchen from top to bottom. There are so many little areas on my stove...I don't think I will ever get it completely clean.

3. "Mom" is the cutest word in the world when it comes out of your baby's mouth for the first time. When it comes out of your baby's mouth for the 13,752 time in one day it ceases to be cute.

My baby was sick for 3 days and cranky for a whole week. She would constantly say, "Mom, Mom, Mom." Even when I was holding her. I was extremely tired of hearing that word.

4. You can take your child to the doctor, have them run all kinds of expensive tests on them, and leave not knowing any more than you did when you went into the office in the first place.

My baby was running a fever of 104 for 3 days. I thought she might have an ear infection so I took her into the doctor. She didn't have an ear infection so they checked her for strep, also negative. Then they did some Q-tip up the nose test to check for flu, also negative. Then they took a urine sample to see if she had an internal infection...do you know how they take a urine sample from a baby? I didn't, but they use a catheter...poor baby! That test came back negative too, so after all that they told me it was probably just a virus...thanks!

5. You can use up a whole Mr. Clean Magic Eraser in one day...oh the wonders that thing can perform!

This goes back to cleaning my whole kitchen.

6. It takes 1 year olds, 3 year olds, 6 year olds, and almost 30 year olds several times before they finally learn their lesson.

It is probably obvious for most of these...I am constantly repeating things to my 1 year old, and my 3 year old. I found my 6 year old stealing crayons from Kindergarten. I had her take them back to her teacher and tell him she was sorry. A couple weeks later....there were more crayons in the pocket of her backpack. This time we made apologizing a bit more painful, and hopefully she has finally learned not to steal things from her classroom. And as for me (the almost 30 year old) I seem to always need to be reminded to do what I am supposed to. I also have a problem that relates to one of my other lessons, so I will explain that in a second.

7. On some things it is better to wait and purchase later so you get exactly what you want. I wish I would have waited....

Here is my other lesson I never seem to learn. BUY WHAT YOU REALLY WANT! I always have a vision in my head of what I want, but when I get to the store what I want is usually more expensive. So I settle for something that isn't what I want, but is okay. I have done this a million times in the past, and I never seem to remember that this is a bad idea. So I usually end up with something that I hate, is poor quality, or is a guilt gift (something I got from someone else and feel guilty if I don't keep it, when they probably would rather have me just take it back and get something I will be happy with.) So here is my latest dumb purchase that I instantly wished I hadn't bought (after they were already hanging on my ceiling!). Of course they were on sale, so I thought I would save some money...it was definately not worth it!
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Now don't get me wrong, these lights are okay. They just are not quite what I had in mind. They were silver when we bought them and we spray painted them black...which I wanted, but now there is no way we can take them back. I just never learn!

8. It takes a lot more time to clean up from Christmas than it did to get ready for Christmas.

I am still cleaning up from Christmas. After everything is finally put away I have no remaining energy to clean up and dust everything. That is why my daughter's dresser still has pine needles all over it.

9. My husband is remarkable handy....okay, I already knew this, but he always surprises me with what he can do.

My husband installed all my new lights...including 6 can lights. He always can jump in and do things without ever having done them before and they work out wonderfully...I wish I had that gift.

10. Sheetrock is not as tough as it looks...and I have the hole to prove it.

I don't know if you can see it in the pictures of my lights, but my husband stepped through our ceiling when he installed the lights. He patched it up very nicely though, so he is forgiven.

11. Spray paint is magic....I have performed some great tricks with it already.

Besides my spray painted lights, I have spray painted a bucket for my kitchen utensils, a plate rack that I got at a thrift store for $1.50, a basket for my magazines, the numbers on our house (and I am waiting until it is warmer to do the outdoor light fixtures), and a few other decorations. It is so fun!

Well their you have an explanation of the lessons I have learned already this year. I hope that satisfies your curiosity!


  1. Yes, I am satisfied.

    And, I really like the lights. They are a lot like mine, only fancier!

    (And to answer your question, yes those are twinkies!)

  2. you should give us some spray paint tips.. sounds like it is a pretty handy thing! I never thought about doing the things you do!

    I like the lights!!

  3. Never thought of spray-painting a basket. I have one in my living room, but I don't like it. I've always wanted a black one. Now I can have one! Thanks for the tip!

  4. Thanks for the explanations.

    I need to remind myself also about the need to buy what I want-I always go for the cheaper version too and am never satisfied.

  5. I've learned so many of the very same things!

    And I, too, love the wonder that is spray paint!!!

  6. Thank you. The suspense has been killing me.

    I am working on spray painting some old fashioned frames as we speak.

  7. I like the lights! But I do the same thing with buying all the time. I'm learning not to settle.

  8. Great explanations and I wonder how many of us will actually learn from your mistakes.

  9. I like the lights, I really like the wall color. :)
