Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Bad Luck for the New Year...

Every new year I get excited to have a fresh new start to life. To become the person I really want to be...the perfect housekeeper, the best mother, the most fabulous wife, a better neighbor, a wonderful friend, more spiritual, etc....etc....etc.... I always have a million goals and usually never complete any of them. This year I am going to do my goals differently. I read an article by Ellen Degeneres (No, I am not a fan, but the article had some good points). She said to set goals that you knew were attainable. A few of her examples were....Never finish beauty school, and Don't quit smoking. So I decided instead of setting "ideal" goals for the new year. I would set smaller more attainable goals and set them more often. So here are a few of my new goals for the new year:

1. Learn to Pressure Can beans (I've had that pressure canner for over a year now and never had it out of the box!)

2. Finish organizing my craft room. (This was actually my goal for last year, and I am happy to say that I am almost done doing it. I will give you all your own private tour when it is completely done.)

3. Gain 25-30 pounds this year. (Weird goal I know, but hopefully it will be attainable anyway).

4. Be more positive with my kids. (I will be the first one to admit that I have become kind of a crank this year, and I need to stop.)

Yesterday was a great day. I was already working on a few of my goals and trying to get the Christmas decorations put away, and my house cleaned. The children were happy, and I was a good mom. I talked nicely, and positively. I played games, did pre-school, read stories, and encouraged my 6-year old to do the right thing. It was turning out to be a wonderful day, and a perfect way to start the new year.....and then.....I broke a mirror. I wasn't paying quite enough attention when I was backing out of my driveway, and tried to rip my side mirror completely off of my car.
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The mirror is still usable, but badly cracked. It will definately need to be replaced before our car will pass inspection in a few months. I am sure that it won't be cheap since it has the signal lights in it. What a way to start a new year! I really hope that breaking the mirror will not invoke the curse of 7 years bad luck. But it is looking today like it might. My kids are grouchy and fighting with each other, I have a horrible headache, we all have colds, my house is a complete disaster, and my baby was up all night screaming. Does anyone know how to fix a curse so I can have a good year afterall?


  1. I want to lose 30 pounds this year. Then I want to gain 25-30 pounds like you. I'm pretty sure we're talking about gaining in the same way! ;)

    I don't know what to tell you about breaking the curse. Maybe you should chant while dancing around your flag pole in your yard! It couldn't hurt! ;)

    Hopefully, your kids will be back to their happy state soon. Happy New Year! :D

  2. Ouch, that mirror break curse hit you hard. I hope that it will pass soon. I too want to gain that weight too, and I think for the same reasons :)

  3. I'm sorry about the mirror. Sick kids tend to be grouchier than normal and so do sick moms. I hope you all start feeling better soon.

  4. I hope the curse of a broken mirror really isn't for 7 years. Hope you guys get better soon.

    And, how fun to maybe be gaining that weight this year! Keep us posted.

  5. I am sorry about the mirror. I broke mine last year and I don't think it counts as a mirror, It is tempered glass. You are off the hook.

    I like the idea of attainable goals. It makes life easier.

    I hope you and the girls all feel better soon! I want to hear all about your New Year's Celebration!

  6. Seven Years, Seven Months, Seven Weeks, Seven Days, Seven Hours or even Seven Minutes is too much. I don't believe in superstitions and I am sure I didn't teach you to believe in them either. Life is what we make of it! Be Happy. Gaining that much weight would be #16 or #17, depends on who gains it first. As I recall "Ames" is trying too. Have a great new year. PS: You can probably find a replacement mirror on the internet for less cost if the body of your van isn't damaged as well. Love y'all.

  7. Hey, you'll have to keep us posted on that weight gain thing. :) I'm hoping to NOT gain any more weight this year... or the next... but mine will involve food and inactivity more than anything.

    I agree that it's better to set smaller attainable goals more often than doing a big "change your life" thing - it never works. The other way is more fun and successful.

  8. I like the idea of attainable goals. I'll have to think of some and post them.

    I want to lose weight this year, but I need to find somthing for motivation.

    Sorry everyone is sick, hope all get better soon. We are sick here too.

    Love to all!

  9. I want to gain like you too, just not that much since I am already too big. But a good goal! Sorry about the mirror. I hope it only brings good luck!

  10. How about we transplant some of my weight to you? Then you can gain those 25-30 pounds EASY! ;)
    Sorry about the husband did that to our car a few years sucked, but we never got it fixed, and didn't really miss it. But ours was an older car.
    I'm sure you'll have a better year! Good luck on those goals!

  11. #2 is one of my goals too! I am excited to see photos of your craft room as I will be so proud to finally post ones of mine too! I spent the good part of my Christmas money on totes to get it all together!

    Good luck on the baby weight! Can't wait to hear a report back on that one!

  12. Bummer! Don't be discouraged, though. It's okay to take a step back, as long as you keep trying to take two steps, forward, right? I actually only achieved one of my new year resolutions for 2006. And I only had four of them! But, it was better than not setting any at all and not having any improvement. Besides, I already think you are practically perfect as you are!
