Monday, January 8, 2007

My new pants...

My husband gave me this pair of pants for Christmas.
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Isn't he clever! He even folded cuffs on the bottoms! I actually got two pairs of pants with the money. One pair was on clearance for $5.74. The legs were HUGE, so I am in the process of cutting them down and re-sewing them. I hope they turn out well. I have never done fitting work before. I figure for $5.74 it is worth a shot though. If they turn out to be funny looking pants I can always turn them into shorts! Hopefully I will have better luck with my pants than I do backing out of my driveway.


  1. I'd take pants with money in the cuffs any day!

  2. I didn't know that D can fold paper so well. You have a very talented husband. Good-luck on your pants project. Love to all!

  3. Don't you just love a good deal!

  4. clever! I hope the alterations turn out.

  5. Looks like D may be able to help with those alterations. He seems to be quite the fashion designer!

  6. What a cute idea. "D" is very creative. Good luck with those alterations! I'm sure you'll figure it out! :)

  7. What a cute idea. "D" is very creative. Good luck with those alterations! I'm sure you'll figure it out! :)

  8. That's a cute idea!! Now we all know your dh is crafty! ;)

  9. Very cute idea! Good luck making them into what you want.
