Monday, March 3, 2008

Flower Head Bands...

I made these for my little baby. I used regular silk flowers and took out the middles. Then I attached the petals to velcro with a button on top. I added velcro to a few head bands, and now I can change the flower to match whatever she is wearing.


  1. Oh, I like the velcro idea. It makes them stay in place much better than the clippies!

    You are so clever!

  2. YES! The Velcro is genius! I am making headbands like these for my SIL...I am SO glad I read this before I hot glued the flowers on!

  3. Get a little round mirror and attach it and she will look like a doctor LOL. Love ya.

  4. I stumbled across your blog while looking for quiet books - great ideas!

    I have a question: where do you buy the headbands (especially ones that are not too tight)?
