Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patrick's Day Fun...

We had a fun St. Patrick's Day yesterday. We usually start out the day with green shamrock pancakes and green milk. The day before I had made apple turnovers and I had leftover filling, so I just used that and made some muffins. I guess it was made from green apples so that counts right?

For dinner I made cheesy broccoli soup. Much to the chagrin of my wee folk. We had clover shaped rolls, green apples, and green punch to go with it. Those were a hit. After dinner we had Family Home Evening. We started out with a little treasure hunt. This is what we were looking for:

And yes, that is a frog! Would you expect anything less from me? We usually hide the cup full of gold chocolate coins, but I couldn't find any to buy, so we had Ande's Mints instead. For our lesson we ate one of the mints and talked about how quickly our treasure was gone. Then I had them find a green bag that I had put the scriptures in, a picture of our family, and some other books. The girls hunted for that, and we talked about how that was a greater treasure than food, or money or any other material thing. And we talked about how those treasures can last forever.
Then for dessert we had lime Jell-o poke cake with green whipped topping (which I left out on the counter too long, so it is kind of runny).

So that is what we did for St. Patty's Day this year. What fun things did you do?


  1. I LOVE the frog. I would definitely expect that from you! It looks like you had a fun day! I love your object lesson with the treasures.

  2. I love your object lesson. Everything looked wonderful too!

  3. You are so fun and clever. I had sick kids so no one wanted to eat anything green around here they were all feeling green does that count?

  4. I love that object lesson. You are so creative. Here we had green waffles for breakfast and green juice and milk. For dinner we had corn beef with green jello, green mashed potatoes, green beans, green homemade bread and green kool aid. For dessert we had ice cream with sugar shamrock cookies. Needless to say we are all greened out.

  5. Hey, why did they delete my comment? I don't remember exactly what I said, but I am sure it wasn't biased. Unless my mentioning that we had green eggs and ham for breakfast was. We have to be careful when we speak of colored foods I guess.
