Friday, March 28, 2008

The Queen of poop strikes again...

My baby is explosive. I have had two babies that are like that. Almost everytime she poops this is what happens. It doesn't matter what size of diaper or when it was changed last. She just errupts!! It sure makes for a lot of laundry. So, I am off to fold some clothes so I am prepared for the next explosion.


  1. I have one of those too- it stinks! he saves it up for 4 or five days so when it comes-- look out!

  2. that is so gross -- I am glad mine were not like that. Sure there was a few really messy ones but not all the time.

  3. That color is all too familiar! I your pain!

  4. Yikes! I don't know what I'd do if I had a baby like that. I'd feel like I'd need to stick her in the bath all the time! :)
    Hey... at least she's happy, right!?
