Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Game of Tag

I went on vacation over Easter, so I missed the game of tag. I am trying to catch up now. I hope that since I was tagged by two people that I don't have to do 12!!! I had a hard time coming up with 6...I guess that is because I am perfectly abnormal, so I don't always think of the things I do as weird!!! Of course they are probably weird to others.

Here goes....

1. I love chickens. Ever since I met my in-laws chickens I have been hooked. We have had about two dozen of our own, but we don't have any right now....we are looking for a way to get around those city codes....Here is a picture I took this weekend of my in-laws chicken...isn't it cute!

2. I hate water on my face. I will never be a good swimmer because I can't stick my face in the water. I can't even stand water on my face in the shower. I tolerate it long enough to wash my face and that is it. My 5-year old is just like me.
3. My neck bends backwards. The exact term is "Reversal of the Cervical Lordosis". It has caused me horrible kinked necks and dizziness for years. Thanks to Dr. Kyle I am doing much better these days.
4. I am a library junky. I love the library. At any given moment I have 10 books on hold, and have my limit of 30 books checked out. (I have even had more than the limited 30 checked out, but don't tell the librarians!!!) I take my girls there once a week to get new books.
5. I hate boogers and noses. Seriously they make me ill. I about gag if one of my kids has their finger up their nose. My husband says I have the cleanest nose in the world. I can't stand anyone to touch my nose either, it drives me crazy.
6. I collect house plans. I love them. I have a 2 inch thick folder full of house plans. I could sit and look at them for hours...ask my DH...it drives him nuts.

Well there are a few weird things about me. I would tag some more people, but most of my blogging friends have already been tagged. Posted by Picasa


  1. You have a 2 inch thick folder of house plans! Woot! Here I've been wasting time checking out your latest decorating during my visits. Next time I'm asking to see "The Folder". Have you finally found your dream one yet? BTW, I think you get the 'no touchie the nosie' thing from dad.

  2. Nettie,You are welcome to look through my folder next time you come!! I have several favorites...one single story, and one two story. You are probably right about dad and the nose thing, but we better stop talking about it or his nose will be itching!!

  3. Cute! I cannot stand boogers either. It really grosses me out to see other parents wipe their kids noses with just their hands!! Sorry, I hope that that is not too graphic!!

  4. Ah the love of the library. I love that too! I love reading memes and getting to know people better.

  5. Chickens would be so fun to have. I hope you can find your loophole. Right back atcha! I am always learning something new about you! You are a fascinating woman!

  6. Fun and funny stuff! Lol at the nose thing, though... they seem to be such a big part (too big perhaps) of mommyhood!

  7. Thanks for playing! If you love chickens, you would love Mexico. Plenty of chickens here. All over the place.

    I love librarys too.

  8. I like the chicken, and I absolutly LOVE reading! Although I mostly like sci-fi stories and other books like that.... BTW thx for commenting on my blog itybtyfrog! : )

  9. Those are some unique facts. I personally HATE being wet unless I am in the shower or in the pool. I hate getting caught in the rain or getting splashed while doing dishes. I am in for a treat when my kid starts getting more active in tub! Ick

  10. I love that you hate water in your face! My mom is the same way. It freaks her out completely. My AK is a little skittish when I wash her face but, loves the shower.

    I love the library as does my hubby. He can spend days in a library and be perfectly happy.
