Monday, April 24, 2006

Pretty Tootsies

I wanted to have a picture of our pretty tootsies on my blog too. Here they are:

One of my favorite thing about having girls is painting nails. My girls love to have their nails done. It was so nice and warm and sunny last week, so we hauled a blanket out on the front lawn and had a little pedicure party. The girls had a ball. I don't think the neighbor boys were too thrilled. Neither of them wanted me to paint their nails. Although one of them already had chipped pretty pink paint on his fingernails...LOL...I guess that is what happens to little boys when they have three big sisters. We have these cute little flower decals (complete with gem stone middles) that we love to put on our pretty painted tootsies. (I got them at Wal-Mart) Now our tootsies are all ready for sandal season, too bad it is raining today!!! Posted by Picasa


  1. hey that reminds mei have a gift certificate for a pedi i need to redeem you've inspiried my toes

  2. I can't believe that you got them to hold still enough to take that picture. It sounds like you had such a fun day. I think you should put THAT picture in one of your bathroom frames. It is a darling picture!

  3. Gorgeous toes! And what a fun experience for your girls!

  4. Awwwwwwwwwwwww! That's so cute! What is it about feet on blogs anyways? lol! Smart Mama, I'm jealous!

  5. You toes look so much better then when I get a professional manicure! Nice job.

  6. How fun. You are a great mom to have as a little girl. My poor little girl is missing out on this kind of stuff becauase I am clueless in these kinds of departments (hair, nails, make-up). I could really use some instruction. If anyone wants to do a post about applying eye make up, I would love it!

  7. Love the toes!! How fun to have daughters!

  8. So cute... I had flowers painted on my big toes a couple weekends ago (can't quite reach them myself ;)). I get so many compliments! I love painted toesies!!!

  9. We love painting our toes too!
