Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Doll House Pictures.

I have finally figured out how to post pictures!!! HURRAH!!!! These are some pictures of the doll house my husband and I made for our 3 girls for Christmas. It was so fun to make. My husband made most of the tiny furniture (he can do anything!). My girls love to play Barbies and spend countless hours playing with this house. My 5 year old loves to redecorate the rooms and move the furniture all around. Posted by Picasa


  1. Your 5-year old sounds just like you!!! Always doing something to make things beautiful. I think you and your husband did a WONDERFUL job on this!!!

  2. Oh, you must post some close ups!
    The details on this are truly fantastic, ladies.
    Hand carved toilet. Need we say more?
    Classic itybtyfrog perfection! (see my "beaming proud sister" face?)

  3. WHAT? This is SO great! I want to live in it!

  4. Wow, that is amazing! How crafty you are!

  5. Oh my gosh!! That is the cutest thing ever!! My boys would just tear that apart. I love the close ups too!

  6. he he he, no 1 knows who i am (except nettie and maybe itybtyfrog, and if not... look closly at my name-it is a nickname) and btw, REALLY cool house.
