Wednesday, April 12, 2006


My baby just turned one yesterday. She reached three major milestones this week: she turned one, learned how to walk, and was weaned from breastfeeding. Isn't it strange how every new thing your child does is such an emotional experience. You are so excited for them to learn something new and to grow, but at the same time you are so very sad because you will miss them being so small. I am excited that she is one, but I am sad because she is no longer a tiny baby. I love that she is learning to walk, but I will miss her adorable hip swaying crawl. I love not being tied down to breastfeeding and finally having my body back, but I will miss that closeness and being able to sit and hold her and just adore her for those hours everyday. I will miss all these sweet memories of my little girl, but I will cherish the new things she is learning to do everyday. (Here's a picture of the birthday girl...stay tuned for adorable ducky birthday pics.)

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  1. What a sweet picture! I know just how you feel, you know they have to grow up, that they weren't meant to be babies forever, but it is sad to see them change. I want another girl!!!

  2. Aw, how sweet is she? Seriously, you blink and they turn 7!


  3. Hi again! Ok, curious why you were in Guatemala! We have been twice.

  4. Happy Birthday, Wee "One"! Sorry, I missed it...

  5. Your mini-Itty Bitty Froggie is perfect! If you blink, that first year is gone. I think I love that second year even more. Happy birthday Mini-Min!!!

  6. Cute baby, can't w8 for more pics! :)

  7. ... you brought tears to my eyes... my kid is growing too fast. The picture you painted will be my own very soon. It's definitely bittersweet... you worded it so nicely... Oh to have my body back, but no more moments to stare while the babe is nourished at the breast... too sad...
