Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Challenge: What's in your purse?

We just got back from our "mini" vacation. If you can call cleaning a house and driving for 14 hours in three days a vacation. My purse always becomes the dumping ground when we are traveling. Last night I cleaned it out and this is what I found beyond the regular credit cards and such:

7 pens (I have no idea how I got that many pens in there)
empty bottle of hand sanitizer (which I filled up)
address book
cell phone
paper clip
re-tractable measuring tape
gallon size bread bag
monkey toy (that I got from my doctor for being good LOL!)
box top
flattened penny
48 cents (yes, that is ALL the money I had it my purse!)
vanilla lip gloss
rubber band
2 shopping lists
envelope full of coupons
mortgage bill stub
plug in cord for my cell phone (what is that called?)
immunization schedule
5 movie ticket stubs
4 realtor business cards
3 receipts......My Wal-Mart one measured 21 1/2 inches long!

So, take this challenge and clean out your purse. Post and tell us what you find in yours.


  1. Delete was mine. I really can type!

    I accept your challenge.

    And I love that you have a flattened penny in your wallet. Where is it from?

  2. I don't carry a purse--I use a planner/wallet thing but if I were to clean out my church bag, the list would be several pages long.

  3. I carry a wallet, not a purse, so I don't carry much around. Cute challenge thought. :)

  4. I don't think that would fit in mine! That was a lot of stuff! Although, mine seems much junkier. :) Maybe I'll clean it out first... and then play! :)
