Friday, January 11, 2008


Ms. Mordecai (I hope I spelled that right) from Be It Ever So Humble tagged me to do a 50 random things about me MEME, so here it goes. I hope I don't bore you all to death!

1. I love that dip made from Velveeta and Salsa, but I have never made it and I have never bought Velveeta.
2. My 2 year old is getting gummi bears everytime she goes potty.
3. I wear a size 8 1/2 shoe...preferrably Wide for my fabulous duck feet.
4. I have 5 science catalogs on my counter...together they measure 4 1/2 inches...really I measured.
5. Polly Pocket shoes are my enemy.
6. We buy cinnamon bears by the CASE!
7. I am trying not to eat anything after dinner...trying....
8. I am the Activity Days leader in our charge of quarterly primary activities.
9. I go to bed at 11:00p.m. every night as long as the baby does by then.
10. My telephone plays different music when family members call.
11. I hate my broom.
12. I have a 2 inch scar on my right shin from being cut by a tiller blade.
13. I can whistle with my fingers in my mouth...really loud.
14. I have been to Lehman's caves on the border of Nevada and Utah...very fun, you should go there. Nothing like a little spelunking to make you appreciate the sunshine.
15. I have never been to a tanning booth, but spent many hours on a blanket tanning in my backyard when I was a teenager.
16. My favorite flowers are Star gazer lillies, and those yellow sunflowers that grow along the side of the road.
17. I once went to a RUSH concert with my sister and her hubby.
18. I went to a JAZZ game once...I sat on the second row from the very top...I couldn't see a thing.
19. I always use those free labels they send you in the mail, but I never send them any money...shamed!
20. My wedding ring is sitting in my kitchen covered in flour and bread dough...I always forget to take it off before it is too late.
21. I use to have to wear ear plugs (the kind you wear when shooting a gun) when I used my mother-in-law's vacuum.
22. Many thanks to my Dad for fixing my vacuum so I don't have to anymore.
23. My baby looks like she has a mohawk.
24. My two year old has no freckles, but her two older sisters have tons.
25. I love throwing things away.
26. My baby just shot poop up to her arm pit. lovely.
27. I love Tide with Bleach.
28. I have 3 Ocean Spray Texas Rio Star Grapefruit on my kitchen counter...item #4286 product of USA.
29. I spent over 50 minutes talking to my cousin yesterday, 48 minutes talking to my mom, and 28 minutes talking to my brother-in-law.
30. I have a mole on the side of my nose. It looks a lot like a zit, but it is not.
31. I have a stack of 18 post-it notes by my computer. They all have things on them that I need to remember.
32. I have 11 chickens in my backyard. They are great for eating all of my kids' table scraps.
33. I only shave my legs once a week in the winter. Thought you might like to know. :0)
34. My baby is sleeping on my shoulder...there is nothing sweeter.
35. I have worn the same pair of black shoes practically everyday during the winter for the last 11 years. They are my favorite.
36. I bought them at Payless.
37. I bought my first car when I was was a white Ford Tempo that I named Allegra.
38. I want my home to have a name Green Gable or Orchard Slope, but I have never figured out a name I love yet.
39. Most of my clothes are on a bookshelf in our hallway.
40. My favorite drink is Starbuck's Caramel Apple cider...I recreate it at home by topping hot cider with whipped cream, caramel sauce, and cinnamon sugar.
41. I am currently making quilts for my daughters bunk beds.
42. Between my husband and myself we have owned 6 different makes of FORD vehicles...our next vehicle purchase will be a FORD as well.
43. Once when I was little my family made homemade icecream in the winter. We used icecicles to freeze it with.
44. I plan on getting a Master's Degree someday.
45. I have 1,583 different fonts on my computer.
46. I have 10 birdhouses in my kitchen, well my in-laws kitchen.
47. I have a toenail that has been cracked in half...I have a scar on my nail bed from it.
48. After I have babies my fingers and toes all get infected.
49. We don't have mail boxes the whole city. We all have to go to the post office to get our mail.
50. I am glad I am done!!!

Phew! that took a long time. Hope you enjoyed my boring life. ;)


  1. That was fun! Thanks for playing along. I hope you'll share the quilts when you're done.

    I remember laying out trying to get a tan in junior high. But I never did, I just burned horribly, so I gave it up. :)

  2. I loved reading all of those things about you. I don't think you are boring at all.

    I get you on the cinnamon bears. Every time I pass them in the store, I think of you.

    I still am floored that your fingers and toes get infected.

    I might have to do this because I am having to blog every day and I am running out of material.

  3. There was nothing boring about that!

    I love programming the phone with those catchy tunes which help identify the caller.

    FORD. Found on the Road Dead:)

  4. I loved that! You have such a cute personality!

  5. that was very fun and your ramdom things were random and interesting!

    Have a great weekend :)

  6. I had forgotten about that concert!

    And that cider sounds so good, I will have to try it.

    I enjoyed reading this too, it kinda gave a glimpse into what your daily life is right now.

  7. I can totally relate to the leg shaving thing. I only believe in shaving them for church on Sunday in the winter. I say it saves us money. I am better insulated, and therefore, we don't need to have the heat turned up as high!!! Hey, it excuses my laziness.

    I don't know you, but Steph speaks very highly of you. I will be sure to check out your blog regularly. I love it! And I love your list. I can relate to you on so many of them!
