Friday, January 25, 2008

Goodbye House...

After 8 l..o..n..g months we finally sold our house yesterday. It is funny the different emotions that you feel when you leave something that you have loved behind. I have actually not lived there for 4 months. We went back this last weekend to pack up the rest of our belongings and get everything cleaned up for the new owners. It was so sad. It was like we were leaving all over again. Everywhere I went in our house I remembered the fun times and great memories that we had made there. I just wanted to cry the whole time. I will miss our fun playroom. And hearing the kids laughing downstairs. The new owner is going to run a pre-school, and I already know she loves this room as much as I do. That makes it easier to leave behind. I will miss watching movies on the "big screen" with my hubby on Friday nights. I will miss playing in my craft room. I am sad because I never posted pictures of it here. I will miss my beautiful yard and all the tulips and daffodils that pop up in the spring time. I will miss cuddling with my hubby by our fireplace on cold winter nights. I will miss sitting in my living room on a sunny winter day. I will miss playing in the sand with my kids. I will miss having friends over to roast hotdogs and marshmellows in our firepit. I will miss all the cute changes we made to our house to make it "ours". I will just miss everything.

Once when we moved one of my friends gave me a magnet that said, "You never really leave a place you love. You take part of it with you, and leave part of yourself behind." This is so true. I am taking so many fun memories with me, and I have left a small part of myself there. (I even signed my name on the wall!)

So goodbye dear neighbors. Goodbye my dear friend across the street (I will miss you most of all). Goodbye house.


  1. How sad! It's always a bittersweet thing moving on. I can't wait to see what you do with your new playroom though!

  2. So sad. It is like leaving an old friend behind. However, I am happy that you were finally able to sell it.

  3. What a long, long trip this one has been. I am sad to see your cute house not belong to cute you anymore, but the next adventure will be worth it.

  4. It is a bittersweet thing for sure. But look forward to all the new and exciting things that await you in your new place!

  5. Congradulations!! I am so glad you were able to sell your home. I know it has bees stressful trying to sell it, but I know that the future holds a grand adventure for you. It will be exciting to see what happens this year for your fammily. Loves to all.

  6. Awwww. Sad. I'm sorry. I've never lived in one place long enough to really get super attached. Someday...

    I bet it's a relief that you've sold it though.

    (last post-the grocery store by our house in the States has that same "storm" thing going on-my kids dig it.)

  7. Definitely bittersweet--but so exciting to be on to new adventures! Those memories will always be a part of you and your family's history.

  8. I've got nothing to add, just hugs!
