Wednesday, August 2, 2006

My Kindergartener....

I don't know why blogger is hating me lately, but no matter how I tried to put this picture in the below post it kept changing it to be another picture of my 3 year old. ARGH. Hopefully this will work.
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  1. how sweet!

    I can't believe you already started school! We still have two weeks left and I am enjoying every precious moment of it. Summer is TOO short.

  2. txmommy, We have year round school here, so our summer is only about 1 month, but we have several other months off throughout the year.

  3. She is so darling! Kindergarten is such a fun year! We start school in a couple of weeks, but I'm not sure I'm ready yet!

    Question: When you are on year-round school, do all kindergarteners start at the same time, or do they stagger?

  4. She looks so cute! I think kindergarten was the only year of school I ever liked! I hope she has fun and learns a lot!

  5. She looks way excited! I can't believe you'all have to start school already. We still have another month.

  6. My goodness... what a likeness to her mama! What a darling girl!

  7. Modernmama: There are 4 tracks (classes) on year round. Three start at the same time and the 4th starts a couple weeks later. They are all on and off at different times throughout the year.

  8. Sweet picture. You can just see the excitement and anticipation on her cute little face!

  9. What a beautiful, grown up girl she's becoming!
