Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Old Truck, New Truck...

I promised this post several weeks ago, sorry it has taken me so long to get around to it.

A couple of weeks ago we lost a dear friend. We sold my husband's 1988 Ford Ranger. He had had it for 12 years. This included our dating years, and the 9 years of our marriage. It was a good little truck for us, despite having to put a new engine in it in 1998 and replacing the starter several times (at least it was under warranty, so we never had to pay for those 4 starters we went through), and it had weird electical problems where sometimes the radio wouldn't work, or worst of all the heater/ac wouldn't work. We found out that wasn't fun when we headed off to my in-laws house for Christmas one year without a heater. We were freezing!!! The funny thing is that if you hit a good bump it would turn back on, so we went around trying to hit every pot hole and bump we could find. Finally we found a cattle guard that did the trick. We have lots of fun memories from that truck...making out, driving around a whole mountain range, hauling and moving all kinds of boards and furniture. It was a good little truck, and we were sad when the new owner drove it away.
We had been looking around for a new truck for awhile. We actually almost bought one in 2005 before we realized all the car seats would not fit into our old Explorer, so we ended up buying a van instead. My husband's brother called us one day out of the blue and asked us if we wanted to buy his truck. He wanted to get a new one. Sometimes in my life I feel like blessings just fall into our laps (other times we have to work REALLY hard for them). This was one of those kind of blessings. We had looked at trucks enough to know that we couldn't afford anything as nice as we would like. My brother-in-law gave us a great deal on his truck, so that made it possible for us to get what we really needed. Now we can go camping...because we can all fit into the new truck (and my husband was totally against taking our van on back roads again). I can drive this truck...my husband's seat was broken in the old truck, so I couldn't reach the pedals. We drove it up the mountain the other day, and it was so fun to be off in the mountains together as a family. My husband really likes it, and doesn't he look so cute in it?
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  1. I really can't see him driving anything but ol' red. He does look spiffy in the new truck. End of an era.

    Congrats on the truck!

    I love the lemon scented in my bathrooms. My kitchen has to smell like pine...I think it is a throwback to my childhood with the ammonia. I can't stray too far. I do love my bathrooms lemony-fresh. I loved it! Don't you give it a second thought!

  2. Old trucks have great memories, don't they! My dh had a cute black toyota which he was driving when we fell in love. Lots of good diggin' stories.. electrical problems too! The new truck will definately be fun though! Yeah!

  3. Our first car together was a '91 Toyota Tercel and we adored it. I helped him buy it before we were married. I remember having lots of morning sickness from being in that tiny car on wet mornings with my hubby wearing his leather jacket. GROSS. And driving up and down I-15 with our baby daughter screaming the whole way - she was probably carsick.

    Ah, memories. :) Funny how you can get so attached to inanimate objects.

  4. I felt sad when we had to put down my first car! Losing something that has been so apart of your life is weird, and at the same time sad.
    How funny that you went looking for the bumps to make the heat work in the old truck!! LOL
    I'm really happy that you got one of those "fall in the lap blessings!" I know I love it when that happens to us! :)
    And YAY for camping in a truck! I hope to do that someday, but for now we brave the bumps in our van!

  5. Yes, he looks great in his new truck. My hubs would be jealous!

  6. Yes, he looks very handsome in it! I love your story of having to hit the bumps to turn on the heat!

    I have to say I don't get attached to our vehicles. Well, except to our little escort. She was such a good little car, I was really sad to see her move on. At least I know she blessed someone's kidneys.

  7. My DH can't wait to get a truck. He's been wanting one forever!! Looks like fun.

  8. I was so sad when we had to get rid of our car. It was on its last legs so bad that the doors wouldn't stay shut when you drove it. The people who bought it fixed it up, then totalled it, so now its in car heaven.

    The new truck looks great!

  9. The new truck looks great. I am like nettie, I don't get to attached to my cars, except maybe the '67 nova. Hope you make tons of new memories in the new one.

  10. Perfect fit! And quite the storm brewing in that photo too!

  11. Snazzy! Your heater story brought back memories. Before we got married I bought a 1959 Renault and the heater didn't work in it either. I took out the back seat and used my Dad's camp stove to warm up the car. We even went to Drive-in movies in it (In the winter).

  12. You shoudl move to TX now and join the big truck club!

