Monday, August 7, 2006

This was bound to happen....

I guess this was bound to happen sooner or later. I actually consider myself lucky that in the almost 6 years of raising children this has never happened before. Last night, we made our first trip to the Emergency Room with one of our children.

Our 16 month old fell off of a stool gashing a big hole in her bottom lip and extended down into the skin between her lips and her chin. She also took a nice chunk out of her gums above her top teeth. We first ran her to an insta-care facility, and they told us to take her to the local children's hospital. Well 4 hours after the accident we were finally on our way home with our little drugged-up baby. She had to have several stitches in her lip and gums. I once heard that when you have children you start wearing your heart outside of your body. That is the way my husband and I felt last night. Our hearts hurt for our poor little baby. It is so hard to see someone you love so very much, especially when they are so tiny and helpless, hurt so bad. I am glad that it wasn't more serious than it was. While the doctors were stitching up my baby I wandered the halls with my other two little girls. There were about 6 other rooms by ours, and they all had screaming children in them. It was almost completely unbearable to listen to all of their cries. I really commend those doctors who can work under those conditions everyday. It would break my heart. So today we are loving our little baby all the more and hoping she recovers quickly without a lot of scaring on her adorable little face. One plus from this experience, it has finally given us a good reason to wean her from the binky. Get better quickly my sweet baby! Posted by Picasa


  1. oh my! I hurt for her. I hope it heals quickly.

    Also, I hope it's not necessary, but we've used a great pediatric plastic surgeon at that hospital. lmk if you need a name.

  2. oooohhhh..... ouch..... hope she gets better soon to! =p

  3. oooohhhh..... ouch..... hope she gets better soon to! =p (oh, and btw.. the "who knows" person was me. by some freak accident i logged onto someone elses account! they had a similar username and a pass. that i had used before. lol. weird. :s

  4. Oh, I'm so sorry for your little girl. Hopefully it will heal quickly.

  5. Oh, that sweet thing! I hope she recovers quickly! I am sorry you had to go through that, Mommy! It's so hard to see your babies get hurt like that!

  6. Oh, Ity! That is so sad! She looks so sad lying there with her poor stitched-up lip. I hope she heals up soon.

    You were brave. I don't know how you did it without totally breaking down. I would have.

  7. Poor little thing! You do hurt for them after something like this!

    We haven't been to the ER very many times, but one time involved Bella and a Lego up her nose. :)

  8. Poor little baby! I really really hope she gets better soon!

    I'm so sorry that you had to go through that, my heart aches for you!

  9. Oh the poor little thing. My heart goes out to her and you. Get well soon little one. We love you.

  10. She's beautiful even with stitches in her lip. I'm amazed you've gone 6 years without a trip to the ER.

  11. Ouchhhyy! I am totally hormonal and that is making me tear up like I just watched an AT&T commercial. What a cute sweet little baby. Hope her drugs work well while she mends.

  12. Oh I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope she feels better soon!

  13. I am so sorry! The poor dear! And poor parents. I wish we had still been out there when it happened. Actually, since I'm wishing, I wish it hadn't happened at all!

  14. oooohhhh, so sorry itybtyfrog. That is not fun at all. Poor little thing. We have been SO lucky in this department too. In eight years only 2 trips.

  15. I really HOPE that I never have to do anything like that!! *knock on wood!* Hope she gets better quickly...good luck on the binky thing!

  16. Poor baby. I know exactly how you feel. We've had countless trips to the ER with our 4 little ones (at least one trip per kid)and several surgeries. It certainly is true that we wear our hearts outside our bodies. I hope she gets better soon.

  17. Kids are resilient. She'll get over it!

  18. Been there done that. Our prayers and love are with you. Take care.
