Monday, February 25, 2008

Past, Present, Future MEME

I have been tagged for several MEMEs as of late. I haven't had much time to do them, so this week I decided I would dedicate all of my blog posts to catching up on a few MEMEs. This is one my sister-in-law tagged me for:

Past, Present, Future...

20 years ago I . . .
1. I had just turned 11.
2. Was in the 6th grade.
3. We put on a play...HAMLET.

10 years ago I . . .
1. Had been married for 6 months.
2. DH gave me a cookbook for my birthday. I read it cover to cover and started making him yummy things to eat.
3. Went to Guatemala.

5 years ago I...
1. Had just had my second daughter.
2. We had just found out my hubby had cancer.
3. Were busy getting settled into our new house.

3 years ago I . . .
1. I was about to have my third daughter.
2. House projects: finished our basement, remodeled our kitchen, put rock around our fireplace, redecorated the girls bathroom, painted the babies room, painted the living room.
3. Potty training my 2nd daughter.

1 year ago I . . .
1. Got pregnant with my 4th daughter.
2. We decided to uproot ourselves and move.
3. Put new flooring in our kitchen, finally found a paint color I liked for my living room, and put up decorative moulding.

So far this year I . . .
1.Have had a baby.
2. Spent way too much time on the internet.
3. Played with my kiddy-boos.

Yesterday I . . .
1.Went to church.
2. Took a nap...until the older girls woke me up.
3. Took pictures of my quiet book to send to my sister-in-law. You can see pictures of them here.

Tomorrow. . .
1. I am going to take my baby to the doctor.
2. Do more laundry.
3. Pre-school with my 5 year old.

In the next year I shall...
1. Lose 14 more pounds.
2. Move away from here.
3. Get all of my things out of storage.

If you would like to do this MEME you are more than welcome to give it a shot.


  1. That was very cool!
    Crazy how life changes in a day and we don't even know it!

    P.S. I want to see pictures of your quiet book. Did you make it?

  2. Chel...I posted pics of my quiet book on my craft blog.

  3. Okay, I read the first one and thought, we were only in THIRD grade 20 years ago. And then I realized. And then I cried!

  4. I really like getting to know more about you and remembering some of the things from the past. Very fun meme. ;)
