Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Husband Meme...

Husband Meme
What's his name? On here he is usually hubby or DH. He calls himself DAH. I usually call him lover.

How long have you been together? I have known him for12 years, but we started dating 11 years ago.

How long did you date? We dated for 3 months and then got engaged.

How old is he? 35

Who eats more? He does, unless it is sugar, then it is me.

Who said I love you first? I actually don't remember when we told each other we loved each other. How sad is that!

Who is taller? Him.

Who is smarter? We are smart in different areas, which is great because we can cover just about any subject that way.

Who does laundry? I wash it. I don't like him to do it because then I don't feel like I am doing my job. He folds it most of the time though, and he does most of the ironing these days.
Who does the dishes? I am supposed to do them after lunch (the breakfast and lunch dishes) and he is supposed to do them after dinner. A lot of times he gets to do them all because it is hard to do the dishes with one hand. So if the baby is fussy, I don't get them done.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do here because it is closer to the girls' rooms. It switches wherever we live.

Who pays the bills? I have always done it, he helps with it once in awhile though. He has enough to do with just paying all of his parent's bills.
Who mows the lawn? He does. I have only mowed the lawn once since we got married and it was 10 years ago.

Who cooks dinner? I do.

Who drives when you are together? He does.

Who is more stubborn? I am more stubborn, but he is stubborn when it comes to some things.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first....it was perfect.

Who asked out who first? He asked me out first.

Who proposed? He did, on the steps of the capital building while we were gazing at the temple after a dance.

Who has more siblings? Him. He had 6 siblings, but one died as an infant.
Who wears the pants in the family? Well I have never seen him in a skirt! We both try to do things equally and together.

How did you meet? We met in an institute class in college.

Well that is all the memes I am going to do for awhile. I hope you enjoyed them a little bit.


  1. I like that you and your husband are smart in different ways. We're that way, too, and it's so nice to have all the bases covered.

  2. Can I just say I LOVE that picture of him folding clothes! LOVE IT!! Any man who can fold his daughters underwear is PERFECT in my book.

    I remember those days like they were yesterday!!!

  3. I loved the laundry picture too! I've enjoyed your memes. You're a good sport for doing them! :)

  4. This was a fun meme. Where are you getting all of these? I enjoyed reading it and learning more about your relationship. Loves to all :)

  5. Oy...what I wouldn't do for a hubby who folded and put away the laundry! Your meme's were so fun to read!

  6. Fun meme Ity. I love learning more about you and your family! I didn't realize you and David only dated for 3months. You must have been meant to be!
