Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Husband Meme...

Husband Meme
What's his name? On here he is usually hubby or DH. He calls himself DAH. I usually call him lover.

How long have you been together? I have known him for12 years, but we started dating 11 years ago.

How long did you date? We dated for 3 months and then got engaged.

How old is he? 35

Who eats more? He does, unless it is sugar, then it is me.

Who said I love you first? I actually don't remember when we told each other we loved each other. How sad is that!

Who is taller? Him.

Who is smarter? We are smart in different areas, which is great because we can cover just about any subject that way.

Who does laundry? I wash it. I don't like him to do it because then I don't feel like I am doing my job. He folds it most of the time though, and he does most of the ironing these days.
Who does the dishes? I am supposed to do them after lunch (the breakfast and lunch dishes) and he is supposed to do them after dinner. A lot of times he gets to do them all because it is hard to do the dishes with one hand. So if the baby is fussy, I don't get them done.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do here because it is closer to the girls' rooms. It switches wherever we live.

Who pays the bills? I have always done it, he helps with it once in awhile though. He has enough to do with just paying all of his parent's bills.
Who mows the lawn? He does. I have only mowed the lawn once since we got married and it was 10 years ago.

Who cooks dinner? I do.

Who drives when you are together? He does.

Who is more stubborn? I am more stubborn, but he is stubborn when it comes to some things.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first....it was perfect.

Who asked out who first? He asked me out first.

Who proposed? He did, on the steps of the capital building while we were gazing at the temple after a dance.

Who has more siblings? Him. He had 6 siblings, but one died as an infant.
Who wears the pants in the family? Well I have never seen him in a skirt! We both try to do things equally and together.

How did you meet? We met in an institute class in college.

Well that is all the memes I am going to do for awhile. I hope you enjoyed them a little bit.

Yet another Meme...

What were you doing ten years ago? We were living in a two bedroom apartment. I didn't have a job so I spent all of my time cooking, cleaning and going to the library.

5 Things on my "to-do" list today... go visiting teaching, fold laundry, wash laundry, do pre-school with A, clean the kitchen.

6 Snacks that I enjoy...popcorn, hot chocolate, icecream, fruit snacks, apple cider, and cookies.

3 Bad Habits...I am a procrastinator, I love to dream up a project and buy the stuff for it, but then my ambition fizzles and I often don't get the project done, I'm a hypocrite.

If I were suddenly a billionaire I would...buy a beautiful 1 acre lot and build my dream home, buy new vehicles, put away money for my children's educations, take the whole family on a fun vacation, and put the rest into savings for a rainy day.

5 Places I've Lived...I would rather not say where I have lived, but I have lived in almost every corner of this state.

5 Jobs I've Had..Custard scoopee, children's museum floor manager, manager of the fabrics and notions portion of a store, janitress, and selling vinyl lettering.

5 Things People Don't Know About Me...I am addicted to utahrealestate.com, I have donated my hair to Locks of Love 3 times (and will do it again within this year sometime), I absolutely can't stand watching the news, I can't listen to talk radio either, when I am alone in the car I still crank the music up like I am a teenager.

Only one more day of memes, aren't you glad?

60 Questions Meme...

1. What is in the back of your car right now? I am not 100% sure because DH had to take it to work today because his truck had a dead battery, but if my memory serves me correctly there is a pair of jumper cables (from when the van battery kept dying...this has been a serious problem lately!), an umbrella stroller (which my hubby calls a bikini stroller), and a quillow.

2. When was the last time you threw up? a couple years ago when I had the flu. I almost threw up this morning because I was so dizzy.

3. What's your favorite curse word? dang-it, or when terribly upset damn!

4. Name 3 people who made you smile today? I am not feeling too good today...so the only person that has made me smile so far is my baby H.

5. What were you doing at 8 am this morning? Trying to get my 7 year old out the door for school.

6. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Making a new recipe for granola, since I ate the last of it for breakfast this morning.

7. What will you be doing 3 hours from now? eating lunch with hubby and the girls.

8. Have you ever been to a strip club? Nope.

9. What is the last thing you said aloud? "I know. I am in the kitchen, I can hear it just fine." My 4 year old was informing me that the timer was going off on the oven....yes, I know....I put the stuff in there!

10. What is the best ice cream flavor? Vanilla from Nielson's Frozen Custard.

11. What was the last thing you had to drink? Water....I love water in the winter. It comes out of the tap ice cold.

12. What are you wearing right now? my pajamas...silky green pants and a long-sleeve V-neck white shirt.

13. What was the last thing you ate? Granola

14. Have you bought any new clothing items this week? No, but I bought a new purse and jewelry 11 days ago.

15. When was the last time you ran? Ha ha ha...I try never to run. If fact, my doctor told me that I shouldn't. Which doesn't bother me any!

16. What's the last sporting event you watched? I think it was the 2002 Olympics. Yeah, I don't get out much.

17. Is your TV on? No, I try to keep it off as much as possible. I would much rather read or play on the computer.

18. Who is the last person you emailed? Jessica

19. Ever go camping? The first time I remember going camping is when I was in 3rd grade and my family went to Yellowstone. We try to go camping at least twice a year.

20. Do you have a tan? No, I don't even remember the last time I went outside.

24. Do you drink your soda from a straw? I usually never have soda. If I am at home, I usually drink it straight from the cup. If we go out to eat I usually have water, but I always use a straw for that. We went to the Olive Garden a week and a half ago. I had water. There was a lemon seed in the bottom of my glass, but no lemon in it. Now explain that to me!!! I asked for another water.

25. What did your last IM say? I don't remember. I couldn't get it to work yesterday.

26. Are you someone's best friend? I know I am my hubby's best friend. I hope a few others would consider me as one of their best friends.

27. What are you doing tomorrow? Visiting teaching and who knows what else....probably more laundry.

28. Where is your mom right now? It is Wednesday, so her and my dad are probably getting ready to go shopping.

29. Look to your left, what do you see? the hallway, a bookcase, and a box of books.

30. What color is your watch? Silver and gold.

31. What do you think of when you think of Australia ? Ayer's Rock.

32. Would you consider plastic surgery? Yes, but I would probably never do it.

33. What is your birthstone? Amethyst

34. Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Both. We don't go very often, so it is probably 50-50.

35.How many kids do you want? Four.

36. Do you have a dog? No. I wish we still did. I get sad everytime I see a dachsund. I want another one.

37. Last person you talked to on the phone? My visiting teaching companion

38. Have you met anyone famous? Only if you count my hubby. He has been on t.v. lots of times.
39. Any plans today? I am taking the baby to the doctor. Folding laundry. Giving my girls a bath.
40. How many states have you lived in? 2, but I have lived in lots of different cities.

41. Ever go to college? Yes, and I plan to go back someday to get my bachelor's degree and a master's degree.

42. Where are you right now? Kitchen

43. Biggest annoyance in your life right now? My hubby's job and living here.

44. Last song listened to? The My Little Pony theme song.

46. Are you allergic to anything? Only seasonal allergies.

47. Favorite pair of shoes you wear all the time? A pair of brown and a pair of black high healed loafers.

48. Are you jealous of anyone? Not right now, but I have been.

49. Is anyone jealous of you? I don't know why they would be.

50. Where is your idea of a dream vacation? Prince Edward Island...and staying there long enough to really enjoy it.

51. What time is it? 9:15a.m.

52. Do any of your friends have children? Yes, all of them.

53. Do you eat healthy? I try to, but sometimes I get lazy and sick of the kids whining about not wanting to eat that.

54. What do you usually do during the day? Answer the calls of the wild.

55. Do you hate anyone right now? No.

56. Do you use the word 'hello' daily? Only if the phone rings.

58. How old will you be turning on your next birthday? Twenty twelve.

59. Have you ever been to Six Flags? No.

60. How did you get one of your scars? My siblings had me in a laundry basket on top of a bed box. I fell off and split open my bottom lip.

Bonus points for you if you made it all the way through this....and even more bonus points if you realized it was missing a few questions!

ABC Meme...

Blackeyedsue tagged me to do this ABC Meme:
A- Attached or Single? Very Happily Married for 10 years now.
B- Best Friend? My handsome hubby.
C- Cake or Pie? I don't like cake (except cheesecake and sponge cake). I love pie. I even had wedding pies instead of cake. These are our pies from Thanksgiving. We only had two kinds this year....what a disappointment. Sometimes I have made up to 6 different kinds.
D- Day of Choice? I love Monday. After a long restful weekend I am ready to get busy and get things done on Monday morning.
E- Essential Item? My family of course!
F- Favorite Color? Just one? It depends on my mood. My favorite colors to wear are Black and pink. My favorite colors for my house are yellow, green and red (in various shades).
G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Cinnamon Bears...and thanks to Blackeyedsue I have a fresh new bag.
H- Hometown? I don't know. We have moved so many times that I haven't really found a place to call home yet.
I- Favorite Indulgence? Hot chocolate, buying new things for myself, going out to dinner, and reading a book all day.
J- January or July? July. I love all the parties and family get togethers. Oh, and the fireworks.
K- Kids? I have four beautiful girls.
L- Life isn't complete without? Happiness and Love...good answers Shhhhhhhhh! And I would have to add...something to look forward to. I would shrivel up and die if I didn't have something to plan and dream about.
M- Marriage date? August 1997
N- Number of brothers and sisters? Two sisters and one brother.
O-Oranges or Apples? Definately apples. I am very picky about my oranges, and rarely find one I really like.
P- Phobias and Fears? Having my children die. And I hate spiders.
Q- Quote? "Life is a continuous process of longing and losing with loving and laughing filling the gaps inbetween." Renee Duvall
R- Reason to smile? I got a shower today!
S- Season of choice? After a long winter I love spring with all of its beautiful flowers, but after a long summer I love that first feeling of fall in the air.
T- Tag three people? I would rather not tag anyone. I don't know about all of you, but I am kind of tired of these things. (That is why I am getting them all out of the way this week, and then not doing another one for a LONG time!)
U- Unknown fact about me? I have a genetic mutation.
V- Vegetable? Corn, peas, green beans, spinach, artichokes, carrots.
W- Worst Habit? Spending too much time on the internet....do you have this problem too?
Y- Your favorite food? Anything from the Olive Garden, or Cafe Rio.
Z- Zoo animal? I am not partial to any animal in particular. I love to see all the baby animals, especially the monkeys.

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Quiet book...

My sister-in-law asked yesterday for pictures of my quiet book because she wants to make one. I thought I would post the pictures on here too.

I made this about 6 years ago (it gave me something to do while DH was getting his Master's Degree). It took me a long time because I sewed them by hand. I love hand sewing!

Some more quiet book pics....

More Quiet book pics...

Past, Present, Future MEME

I have been tagged for several MEMEs as of late. I haven't had much time to do them, so this week I decided I would dedicate all of my blog posts to catching up on a few MEMEs. This is one my sister-in-law tagged me for:

Past, Present, Future...

20 years ago I . . .
1. I had just turned 11.
2. Was in the 6th grade.
3. We put on a play...HAMLET.

10 years ago I . . .
1. Had been married for 6 months.
2. DH gave me a cookbook for my birthday. I read it cover to cover and started making him yummy things to eat.
3. Went to Guatemala.

5 years ago I...
1. Had just had my second daughter.
2. We had just found out my hubby had cancer.
3. Were busy getting settled into our new house.

3 years ago I . . .
1. I was about to have my third daughter.
2. House projects: finished our basement, remodeled our kitchen, put rock around our fireplace, redecorated the girls bathroom, painted the babies room, painted the living room.
3. Potty training my 2nd daughter.

1 year ago I . . .
1. Got pregnant with my 4th daughter.
2. We decided to uproot ourselves and move.
3. Put new flooring in our kitchen, finally found a paint color I liked for my living room, and put up decorative moulding.

So far this year I . . .
1.Have had a baby.
2. Spent way too much time on the internet.
3. Played with my kiddy-boos.

Yesterday I . . .
1.Went to church.
2. Took a nap...until the older girls woke me up.
3. Took pictures of my quiet book to send to my sister-in-law. You can see pictures of them here.

Tomorrow. . .
1. I am going to take my baby to the doctor.
2. Do more laundry.
3. Pre-school with my 5 year old.

In the next year I shall...
1. Lose 14 more pounds.
2. Move away from here.
3. Get all of my things out of storage.

If you would like to do this MEME you are more than welcome to give it a shot.

Friday, February 22, 2008

A Little Bit of Pixie Dust...

Well the birthday was a complete success!! We had a Tinker Bell party. My little A had a ball.
She got some really fun presents...I know because all the girls have been fighting over them ever since.
After every party, my girls always start planning their next one. I think they have planned out their birthdays until 2014. I don't really think that they will want a My Little Pony party by then though. :)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On the day that A was born....

Today is my little A's birthday. She is turning 5. I can't believe she is that big already. I realized that I had never told her birth story here, so I thought I would share that today.

We had just found out two weeks before that my hubby had cancer and needed major surgery. We wanted to get that taken care of before the cancer had any more chance to spread. I talked to my doctor about being induced. So 8 days before my due date we were scheduled for induction.

The night before, we got a call from the hospital saying that they were full and didn't know if we could come in the next day. They told us to call back in the morning and see if we could come in. We called the next morning and they said that we couldn't come. We were majorly bummed because we wanted to have the baby as soon as possible since my hubby was scheduled for surgery on the 26th. We wanted to have a few days with the baby before he had to go. Awhile later the hospital called back and said that my doctor insisted that they let me come (thank you!). When I got there they put me in a recovery room with another mom that they were going to induce. They started me on pitocin. I was already dilated to a 3.

My DH and I sat and played battleship and talked. He gave me a wonderful blessing. Every half hour they kept coming in and upping my dosage of pitocin. They had upped my dosage to a 13 by the time they moved me to my own room. My nurse was so great. She kept telling me I was wonderwoman. She said most women were crying at a 5. (My roommate was!) I really wasn't having any pain yet. I have since realized that I don't feel any pain until my water brakes. They put me in room #219. I was so glad to finally be in my own room, but I was even more grateful for what number it was. Do you know what hymn number 219 is? Because I have been given much. It seemed so appropriate for this time in our lives.

I had been on pitocin for almost 4 hours, and I had only dilated to a 4. I was so dissappointed. I thought this was going to be a long labor. My doctor came in to check on me and decided to brake my water. I quite impressed the nurse when he did because he totally got sprayed. I have always had a lot of amniotic fluid. he he

Let me just tell you right now that you should never have pitocin with a natural delivery. The next hour was the worst hour of my life. After my water was broken, I had a few contractions that I was able to handle and breathe through, but then they didn't stop. It was horrible. The contractions were right on top of each other, and so hard. It felt like one l....o....n....g contraction. I had my first daughter natural as well, but this was nothing like it. I try to maintain as much dignity as I can when I am in labor, but I lost all decorum. I screamed my head off. (My room mate later asked my nurse if I was alright...I don't know where her room was, but apparently it wasn't far enough away to escape from the noise I was making.....Sorry everyone that was in the hospital that day!!!)

I started feeling the urge to push, but they said I couldn't until I was checked and until the doctor came. WELL TOO BAD!!! My body was pushing whether they said I could or not. That is the thing with natural birth. You know completely that it is time to push and there is no stopping it. Luckily the doctor came right then and after two pushes she was out. I said, "Thank Goodness!!!!" My hour of torture was over and I finally had my beautiful little girl. I was so shell shocked for awhile that I don't remember much right after she was born. I do remember asking if it was for sure a girl. Oh, and my doctor said to me, "I can see why you go natural, it looks like a lot of fun." I didn't really appreciate his sarcasm.

It is amazing that while you are in labor you think you are going to die and that you can't keep going, but as soon as that little baby is born you think it was totally worth it. Our little A was finally here and we were so happy to have her.

She has been a little joy her whole life. She was such a great baby, which is just what we needed at the time as my hubby struggled through chemotherapy. She is a lot like my husband, so I haven't always understood her as well as I would like, but the older she gets the more we connect. She is quiet and doesn't always let you know what she is thinking, but she often comes up to me and wraps her little arms around me and tells me, "I love Mom." She is sweet like that. She is so fun and helpful. She is the best to help with her baby sister even though she is not the oldest. She is calm and talks to the baby so sweetly. And she is absolutely gorgeous. A couple years ago for Halloween she was a fairy, and I put make-up on her for the first time. She was a knock-out even at three!!! We are so in trouble when she is a teenager! I will miss her when she goes to school next year. This past year she has been so close to me. She has helped me through some hard days. I love her like crazy.

Happy Birthday A!!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Birthday To Me...

Saturday was my birthday. We had a fun day. We drove for 2 1/2 hours to get to the closest big city to do some shopping. We also went out to eat at the Olive Garden...YUMMY!!! It is one of my favorites. DH gave me some new shirts and said I could buy whatever I wanted while we were in the city. I told him I wanted accessories.....
So this is what I got. 4 new necklaces, 3 pairs of earrings, 2 pairs of sunglasses, and a new purse. I very rarely buy myself these kinds of things, so it was super fun to go shopping for them. I have been looking for a new purse for 2 years, but haven't been able to find one I like. I like them to have long straps so I can loop them around my neck so my hands can be completely free for carrying a baby and holding little hands across parking lots. I found this fun red one with a long strap. It is a little smaller than I would have liked, but do I really need to carry all that junk anyway???
My 7 year old daughter asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I told her I wanted jewelry and diamonds. So this is what she gave me for my birthday...a cherry cordial kiss (I love these!), one dime and two nickels, a peanut M&M (not pictured...I already ate it), her old necklace, and this large crystal rock thing (this is the diamond I guess). It was so sweet. She was so adorable as she went around the house gathering these things to give me.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Our Valentine's Day...

I thought I would share a little bit of our Valentine's Day with all of you. Here is what my daughter took to school to share with her fellow first graders. They are filled with candy.
This is my lazy version of Blackeyedsue's Valentine's Pillows. I put little things in them for my family every day (and boy did I get in trouble if I didn't have something in there first thing in the morning!) The girls loved this. They woke up this morning and asked why there wasn't anything in their "Pocket of Love". They were quite disappointed that I was only doing it until Valentine's Day.
I made my family pink heart shaped pancakes with raspberry morsels for breakfast. I also made cherry milk. It sure is hard to make a decent heart out of pancake batter!
This is what my hubby got (along with an I-O-U for some new exercise clothes). A bag of chocolates and a little book entitled, "25 more reasons why I love you!!" This is a tradition at our house. When we were dating I started giving him these little books. I have given him at least 2-3 every year since then, so he probably has 20-30 of these. They are fun to read back through and remember the funny things that were going on in our life at different times.
And here is our dinner. Heart shaped pizza. We had red juice and cherry jell-o and corn too. I made a cheesecake for dessert, but everyone was Valentine's Day-ed out by then, so we will save it for another special occasion. I hope your Valentine's Day was great.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Stuffed Jumbo Shells....

I made these the other day, and thought they would be great if anyone is looking for something a little "special" to make for their Valentine.

Stuffed Jumbo Shells

1 pkg. jumbo shells, cooked
1 pound italian sausage, browned and drained of excess grease
2 cups ricotta cheese (or small curd cottage cheese)
2 eggs
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese (plus more for topping)
1 cup crushed seasoned croutons
1 tsp. italian seasoning
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. black pepper
1 bottle/can spaghetti sauce

Preheat oven to 375. Mix all ingredients together except for noodles and spaghetti sauce. Pour enough sauce in greased 9x 13 pan to cover bottom. Stuff shells with filling mixture. Place in sauce in pan. Dot tops with remaining sauce and sprinkle with more shredded cheese. Cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes. Enjoy!!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Oh the joys of a two year old...

I thought I would tell a few stories from my two year old. She is always cracking us up with something new.

The other day, I had a pile of laundry in the living room waiting to be folded. She decided to play in it. She happened to find my bra, then she proceeded to tell me how you are supposed to wear it. "Arms go here," she said, "and nikkles go here."

Last night I was in the family room feeding the baby and she came in with the wash rag and told me,
"Brown stuff on floor."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I'd know." she replied. "Poo I sink."
Then I noticed the brown stuff on the rag and on her finger. Well I shot up in a hurry and went to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a small ball of poo on the kitchen floor. I have no idea how it got there unless it had somehow slipped out of her pants. There were no signs of streaking there though. There was a finger poke in the middle of the poo. So knowing my daughter all too well, I asked her if she tasted it.
"Yeah," she told me. "That poo discussing!!!"

Well after a good washing, teeth brushing, and some disinfecting, we had a good laugh about it all, but GROSS!!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Snow Day!!!!

On Monday we had our first snow day. We have just been blasted with snow and wind the last few weeks. It has been crazy. We have 6 foot drifts in some parts of our yard. I think even DH is tired of the snow...and he loves the snow. The girls had a ball on Monday making a snow cave with their dad.
They love to play in the snow and were outside most of the morning. Getting to play in the snow was even good incentive for them to get their chores done quickly that morning.
Some of them loved playing in the snow, but were not too happy about getting their picture taken.
Even shoveling is fun!!! I think DH is getting a little tired of all of the shoveling though.
Wow!!! That is a lot of snow!!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

5 years cancer free!!!!

Five years ago today, my hubby went in for a colonoscopy. The results......CANCER. He had been having off and on again problems since his mission, which we attributed to parasites. When the problems became constant, we had him checked out. We were still completely shocked by the results. He was only 30! How on earth could he have cancer?

I remember calling my Mom and asking which she wanted to hear first: the good news, the bad news, or the really bad news. I don't even remember what the good news and the bad news was. All we could think about was the really bad news. It placed a dark cloud over our lives for the next 8 months.

On February 26th my hubby went in for surgery. The doctor removed 14 inches of his colon, including the golf ball sized cancerous tumor. They also checked his lymph system to see if the cancer had spread. It had! Our next shock would be finding out that he had to do chemotherapy for the next six months.

My hubby is such a trooper. He is amazing. He was so sick and tired for those 6 months, yet he still went to work and took care of our family. Our neighbors would remark that they couldn't wait to see what he could do when he didn't have cancer because he still did so much when he did. Not all days were like that though. After his chemotherapy treatments he would be so sick and nauseated that he would often come home early from work (this is so not like him...he was always the kid in elementary school with the perfect attendance.) and he would go to bed at 8:00p.m. with the baby and our other kids. He developed horrible sores in his mouth. During his cancer treatments they had him suck on ice to try and prevent these sores, but it didn't help much. He still had them. He still can't stand ice because of this. Food lost it's flavor and things smelled differently to him. Luckily with his kind of chemotherapy, he never had to lose his hair, so hardly anyone knew that he was even going through it.

He was so strong through the whole thing. He received some wonderful blessings that gave us great encouragement and hope. Even then, we still wondered if he would be alright and if our lives would ever be normal again. He only ever broke down once. It broke my heart to see him suffering so much, but still he carried on.

I can't believe it has been 5 years since we found out about his cancer. It is still a dark shadow in the back of our minds, and I still pray everyday that it won't come back. I don't know if he is "officially" in remission now, or if that point will come in October since that is when he finished his chemo.

I am still so thankful everyday that he is still here and that he is healthy again. You never really realize how important these things really are until they are almost taken from you. Here's to hoping he is cancer-free forever!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The tale of the tassel....

While I was reading back through my journal for the little details of our first date I came across another date that I wanted to share. I think it was only our second date (don't worry I am not going to re-count every single one of our dates here!) D came and picked me up and we went to Zuka juice...I don't remember what we got, but it wasn't very good. Anyway, that isn't really why I am telling this story. After we got our juices we went for a drive up the mountain to look at the scenery.

As we were driving D had some tassels hanging from his stereo knobs in his truck and they kept swaying as we hit bumps in the road. Maybe that is why they caught my attention. I noticed one of them had a 95 on it. Now I knew that he didn't graduate from high school then, so I asked him why he had it. He replied, "Because I am going to marry a girl that graduated in 95."

Hmmm....I thought. And then I told him, "I graduated in 95."

Now for the life of me, I don't remember what he said after that, but I just about died. He actually graduated with his Associates Degree in 95 and that was why he had the tassel. It was just so funny that he said what he did, especially since he did marry a girl that graduated in 95!

Friday, February 1, 2008

On this day 11 years ago...

My husband and I had our first date 11 years ago today. I had liked him for ages and had wanted to ask him out several times, but always chickened out. Finally he asked me out for February 1, 1997. He told me what we were doing was a surprise.

He picked me up at my house and we drove to Salt Lake City. We talked non-stop the whole way there. That is one thing that I have always loved about being together. We can talk forever! We stopped at Wendy's for dinner and got kid's meals. We played with the funny toys that came in them...we even still have them! And we did the games on the paper bags they came in.

After dinner we went to an outdoor iceskating rink. I had never been iceskating outside before so it was really fun. It wasn't too cold that night and the skies were clear. It was a beautiful night. I was trying to teach D how to skate backwards (this was really just so I could hold his hands lol!) and I was attempting to do some jumps. Consequently, we both ended up on our bottoms quite a bit. We had some good laughs over that. We skated until they shut down the rink. We hated to go because we were having so much fun.

We drove back to my house, again talking the entire time. He gave me a hug goodnight and left me to dream sweet dreams of him all night. And I have been dreaming them ever since.