Monday, May 15, 2006

My recent projects...

I thought I would start posting some of my projects when I get them done (don't worry, at the rate I finish projects, this won't actually be too many...I am great at starting a project, but not so great at always finishing one). Here is what I was working on for Mother's Day.

I made this for my mother. She is a FABULOUS quilter, so the instant I saw this quote I thought of her. She loves quilting (probably something she got from her mom, since my Grandma was a beautiful quilter as well). She always makes baby quilts for my babies (and all the grandbabies), she made all of her kids wedding quilts, and makes another quilt when each of the grandkids turns 8. This adds up to a LOT of quilts. Each one is beautiful and unique.

This one I made for my mother-in-law. She had the frame hanging with nothing in it in her laundry room, so I asked if I could put something in it for her for mother's day. This is the perfect quote for my mother-in-law. Her family is her greatest joy, and loves when we all come home for the holidays.

I hope you all had a Happy Mother's Day!! Posted by Picasa


  1. Those are ADORABLE!! I wish I was half as crafty as you are!! :) Hope you had a wonderful Mothers' Day!

  2. Beautiful! I would love it if you posted more of your projects. They are so impressive! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, too!

  3. These are great! You are so talented. I am glad you posted pictures of the finished products.

  4. What wonderful projects. You are so creative.

  5. What special gifts to give to your mom and mother-in-law. I bet they loved them.

    (I love seeing projects, keep 'em coming!)

  6. What great gifts! The homemade ones are the best and I wish I were better about getting them done so I could give them away! Great job!

  7. Great projects! I admire crafty women!

  8. nice work- can't believe you reading projecting-- i am feeling so inadequate
